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DRAFT <br />the warranty would also be doing the periodic inspections of the tower's structural <br />condition. City Engineer Prew informed the Council that the warranty agreement is still <br />being reviewed by CB & I, and will be presented at a future City Council meeting, <br />M/S/P Johnson/Conlin --to approve Resolution No. 2006-103, authorizing Partial <br />Payment No. 7, Elevated Water Storage Tank No. 2, to CB & I Constructors, Inc., in the <br />amount of $109,346.43. (Motion passed 5-0) <br />D. Resolution No. 2006-104• G. M. Contracting, Inc <br />M/S/P Johnson/Conlin — to approve Resolution No. 2006-104, authorizing Partial <br />Payment No. 3, Water System Interconnect — Phase II, to G. M. Contracting, Inc., in the <br />amount of $18,448.33. (Motion passed 5-0) <br />5. FINANCE: None <br />6. NEW BUSINESS: <br />A. Set Interview Date for Parks Commission and Maintenance Advisory Commission <br />Applicants: <br />A. City Clerk Lumby informed the Council that the Maintenance Advisory <br />Commission and the Parks Commission each have one opening. Two applications have <br />been received for each Commission. The City Clerk is requesting Council direction <br />regarding scheduling of interviews and a time frame. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Johnston - to direct Staff to schedule the applicants for 10-minute <br />interviews on Tuesday, October 17, 2006, at 6:00 p.m., prior to the regular City Cotmcil <br />meeting. Staff will inform Council of the interview schedule. (Motion passed 5-0) <br />7. MAINTENANCE/PARK/BUILDING: <br />A. Building Dept.: <br />(1) Movement of Building onto Hardy Property <br />The Building Official reported that a Building Permit had been issued in November 2006, <br />to move a home in Lake Elmo. The home is still on blocks, creating a safety hazard <br />because no fence has been placed to surround the hole in which the home has been placed <br />pending construction of footings and foundation. He stated that at least a fence was <br />needed around the open hole to mitigate what he views as a hazard to the public. He <br />reported that three Certified letters have been mailed to the property owner regarding <br />installation of the fence, and no action has occurred. He reported that he has issued a <br />citation regarding this public health/safety hazard. <br />Linda Hardy, 2742 Ivy Avenue North, stated that a fence will be put around the property <br />by Wednesday, October 4, 2006. She also stated a contractor will have the house on the <br />foundation by the end of October 2006, and is requesting an extension of the time allotted <br />to complete the project until July 2007. <br />The Council discussed the health and safety hazards as a priority and determined that <br />Staff has the authority to move forward. They noted that due to the amount of mud and <br />soft ground, the house is not stable and the hole excavated for the new basement needs to <br />be secured. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 3, 2006 <br />