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DRAFT <br />City Attorney Filla informed Council that the City has a Letter of Credit securing the <br />house moving project and required improvements to the house, which expires November <br />10, 2006. The City cannot act on the property until then. If the property is a nuisance, <br />the owner then has five (5) days to complete the project. Resolution 2005-118 requires <br />the work to be completed by November 1, 2006. <br />City Administrator Rafferty stated that Ms. Hardy should return to the October 17, 2006, <br />City Council meeting, with the expectation that the fence is up by the end of day, <br />October 4, 2006, and the footing/foundation completed by that Council meeting. He also <br />proposed there be a developer's agreement, with milestones, if an extension is granted <br />beyond November 1, 2006, for the remaining work. <br />(2) September Building Activity Report <br />Building Official McNamara reported that new residential construction has continued its <br />slow pace through the month of September. <br />B. Fire Dept.: <br />(1) Joint Fire Dept. and Planning Commission Workshop — Fleet Plan <br />Fire Chief Malmquist requested Council to schedule a joint workshop session with the <br />Planning Commission and the Council to discuss a Fleet Plan, Council requested that a <br />meeting not be scheduled until after November 7, 2006, Election <br />He reported that Fire Prevention Week is October 8-14, 2006, and Open Houses will be <br />held at both Fire Stations, from 6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m., on Monday, October 16, 2006, <br />The Fire Chief also reminded residents that when they change their clocks, it is a good <br />time to change the batteries in their smoke detectors. <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Public Hearing: Resolution No. 2006-106, Adopting Assessment for the Water <br />Interconnection Project— Phase IV <br />The City Engineer presented the proposed assessment roll, which was based on appraisals <br />of increased property value resulting from the water service. He reported that the <br />proposed assessment amounts are the same as those earlier reported to the Council, with <br />the exception of the Prairie Ridge Office Park. The office park complex requested three <br />additional water services be installed to provide drinking water. Excluded from the <br />assessment were the wetlands. <br />Mayor Johnston opened up the Public Hearing at 8:48 p.m. <br />Mayor Johnston read for the record, letters from Joan Tauer, 8633 341h Street North, and <br />Dennis Ostrander, 8611 34"' Street North, indicating their objection to the proposed <br />assessments. <br />There was no one to speak for or against the proposed assessments. <br />Public Hearing Closed at 8:57 p.m. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 3, 2006 <br />4 <br />