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DRAFT <br />M/S/P Johnson/DeLapp — to approve Resolution No. 2006-106, awarding the Bid for the <br />Northern Water Main Extension, to G. M. Contracting, Inc., in the amount of <br />$411,812.68. (Motion passed 5-0) <br />E. Update on Riley Construction: verbal <br />The City Engineer informed Council that Riley Construction and Staff met last week. <br />The status of remaining Phase I and Phase III water extension work was reviewed and a <br />firm agreement was reached. Restoration and clean-up will be done by October 20, 2006. <br />9. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING• <br />A. Ordinance No. 97-180• Zoning Ordinance Amendment —Accessory Buildings <br />The City Planner informed the Council that the City Attorney has drafted an amendment <br />to the zoning ordinance regarding allowable accessory buildings in the "non -conforming" <br />AG zoning district as had been directed by Council. He explained that the draft was <br />being first presented to the Council for concurrence as to intent prior to beginning the <br />prescribed zoning ordinance amendment process. <br />The City Attorney reported that the previously approved City Council interpretation of <br />allowable areas of accessory in the Non -Conforming AG zoning district is somewhat <br />unclear. As such he had provided two drafts of the proposed text amendments for <br />Council review and direction. <br />M/S/P Smith/Johnson — To send the draft Ordinance 97-180 (draft 2), relating to <br />Accessory Building, to the Planning Commission for review with the following <br />modifications - change the wording for AG non -conforming, up to 10 to read: "Two (2) <br />two buildings with a combined area not to exceed two thousand (2000) square feet." <br />(Motion passed 5-0) <br />B. Ordinance No 97-18 1• Septic Pumping and/or Ins ection <br />The City Planner explained the City's septic pumping ordinance. He advised that <br />residents are notified about overdue pumping, but the City has had less than effective <br />follow-up procedure until recently. Several residents have informed the City about their <br />need to not pump regularly due to their smaller household status. The City Planner <br />suggested that a simple inspection and report of findings every two years could be <br />substituted for the actual pumping, if not pumping is found not to be required. <br />Council questioned if pumpers recognized the various problems and if the pumpers were <br />required to be licensed. The Building Official informed Council that there were various <br />levels of septic certification and that pumpers could attain the necessary inspection <br />certification if they chose. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnson — to adopt Ordinance No. 97-181, amending Chapter 700 of the <br />City Code to permit substitution of licensed or certified septic inspections for septic <br />pumping every two (2) years where such inspections find no septic pumping is required. <br />(Motion 5-0) <br />C. Xcel Fly Ash Landfill Siting: Verbal <br />The City Planner reported that he had attended the Xcel West Lakeland Fly Ash Fill <br />Scoping Environmental Assessment Workshop (SEAW) Public Meeting held on <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 3, 2006 <br />