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DRAFT <br />B. PubIic�ies- <br />Julie Bunn, 2986 Lake Elmo Avenue, introduced herself and announced her candidacy <br />for State Representative 56A. <br />Deb Krueger, 4452 Lake Elmo Avenue, requested that action be taken regarding the 43rd <br />Street water main construction, stating that the City needs to adopt a code or policy for <br />completion of any City project in a timely manner. She stated that this was her third <br />request for the repair of the ditch on their property. She requested that this repair be <br />delayed until Spring 2007 since the plant growth in the ditch now precludes an accurate <br />assessment of the repairs required. She also reported that a load of gravel was required <br />for their driveway and a survey marker needed replacement. She demanded that those <br />actions be completed by the end of September. <br />City Engineer Prew stated that the contractor needs to inspect thelirbperty and have the <br />survey stakes correctly placed. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Smith — to direct Staff to make every repo le efForGto comply with <br />Ms. Krueger' request for gravel and survey stake by, end of September 2006. <br />(Motion passed 4-0) � - ,„ <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Conlin — to complete the ditch work Fall of 2006 or Spring 2007, <br />being careful to avoid the months of Nov e , d Decei#ber 2006 to avoid conflict <br />with the Krueger's holiday tree sales. (Morn pa`sked <br />4. CONSENT AGENDA <br />A. Resolution No. 2006-087W A rovin Claims <br />M/S/P smith/Johnston — to Trove Re'v- n 2006-087, approving Claim Numbers <br />343, 344, DD848 through D 8,0 29 60 thitritgli 28587 were used for Staff Payroll <br />dated August 17, 200� ,alarm hfi n`bers 345, 346 DD871 through DD874, 29588 <br />g through 29598, we sedorStaffyroll dated August 31, 2006, Claims 347, 29599 <br />through 29563, r e total amount of$ 91,968.60 are hereby approved. <br />(Motion passed 4 <br />B. Escrow Reduction 3 Escover Crncsinn <br />M/S/P'3unth/Johnston— td'authorize an Escrow Reduction #3 for Discover Crossing, <br />reducing the escrow amount required to $153,750.00. (Motion passed 4-0) <br />C. Escrow Reduction: Farms of Lake Elmo <br />M/S/P Smith/JolmSton — to authorize an Escrow Reduction for Farms of Lake Elmo, <br />reducing the escrow amount required to $133,750.00. (Motion passed 4-0) <br />D. Escrow Reduction #2: Sanctuary <br />M/S/P Sm"n"ohnston —to authorize an Escrow Reduction for Sanctuary, reducing the <br />escrow amount required to $1,038,750.00. (Motion passed 4-0) <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 5, 2006 <br />