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APPROVED AS AMENDED AUGUST 15, 2006 <br />Acting Mayor Smith called the Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council <br />Chambers. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Johnson and DeLapp. STAFF <br />PRESENT: City Administrator Rafferty, City Planner Dillerud, Finance Director <br />Bouthilet, City Engineer Prew, City Attorney Filla, and Recording Secretary Freeman. <br />Pledge of Allegiance <br />1. AGENDA: <br />Additions: 3(C) Size of Accessory Building in AG Zone; Replace 9B with Hovanian <br />Homes; Removals: Item 9B: return to the August 15, 2006, City Council meeting. <br />NVS/P DeLapp/Johnson — to approve the August 2, 2006, City Council Agenda. <br />(Motion passed 3-0) <br />2. MINUTES: <br />M/S/P Johnson/Smith — to approve the July 18, 2006, City Council minutes. <br />(Motion passed 2-0:1 DeLapp Abstained, did not attend meeting) <br />3. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Public Informational: <br />te Crum introduced himself to the Council. <br />Washington County Sheriff Candidate Pe <br />Leslie Zell, 8920 27`h Street, had the following questions regarding the water project: <br />1) Who is inspecting? 2) Why are they starting so quickly? 3) Communication? 4) Road <br />closures to residents - road is impassable, causing damage to vehicles? 6) Will the ro <br />aad <br />be fixed and maintained? 7) Are any new wells being drilled? 8) Will wells be capped? <br />Why was equipment brought in so late at night? 9) How many times will the road be dug <br />up? 10) Conflict of interest in the bidding procedure? <br />The City Engineer and City Administrator addressed his concerns. <br />David Dehiner and Barbara Lund, 8860 27`h St. Ct. N., stated that communication to the <br />residents regarding the Tablyn Park water and street projects was extremely poor. They <br />expressed concern with notification to the residents, inability to drive to their homes, and <br />equipment being utilized that is causing damage to their home. <br />Warren Buck, 8905 27`h St., questioned the Minnesota Department of Health testing of <br />his well. He reported that even though he believes his well was not tested, MDH sent <br />him test results that showed contamination of the well. He asked the Council to have a <br />water test made downstream from his personal carbon filter. He stated that if his water is <br />found to be clean of chemicals, he desired to retain his well. <br />The City Administrator Rafferty stated that he would follow up regarding better <br />communications to the residents, and clarification of the well tests results. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 2, 2006 2 <br />