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APPROVED AS AMENDED AUGUST 15, 2006 <br />Kregg and Paula Hurt, 5751 Hytrail Ave., asked for a time frame regarding their septic <br />Permit approval. City Engineer Prew stated the remaining tests had been received and a <br />meeting would be scheduled for next week. <br />B. Public Inquiries: <br />(1) EBI Drilling & Parks Construction -Directional Boring Extra Costs: <br />Marc Allen, Project Manager for Park Conshuction addressed the Council apologizing <br />for any inconvenience caused to Tablyn Park residents. He reminded the Council that <br />this project entails about 30,000 feet of water pipe installation as well as roadway mill <br />and overlay together with installing water services to about 80 homes in Tablyn Park. <br />Terry Anderson, Vice President of EBI Drilling, advised the Council that his firm is of <br />the opinion that the Tablyn Park construction contract allowed the deposit of water line <br />boring materials at the Heights Park stockpile area. He stated that the City's order to not <br />use the Heights Park site for boring materials was in violation of the contract and that <br />EBI Drilling would be filing a claim for additional payment reflecting the extra costs EBI <br />was incurring for transport of the boring materials to another location for disposal. <br />Attorney Filla advised the Council that there is a process in the construction contract that <br />addresses claims such as those made by EBI Drilling. It would be in the best interests of <br />the City to address this matter using that process rather than direct City Council <br />intervention as Mr. Anderson appears to request. <br />It was the consensus of the Council to direct Staff to pursue the claims of EBI Drilling <br />through the contract dispute resolution process. <br />(2) AG Interpretation: <br />George Dimmick, 8465 Demontreville Trail, requested the Council remove the Non- <br />conforming AG zoning accessory building size interpretation from the table since he <br />understood that the City Planner and City Attorney now do not think this matter relates to <br />any ongoing litigation. <br />The City Attorney and City Planner indicated their concurrence with Mr. Dimmick's <br />statement. <br />M/S/P Johnson/DeLapp — directed Staff to place the Non -Conforming AG accessory <br />building interpretation on the August 15, 2006, Council Agenda. (Motion passed 3-0) <br />4. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />A. Resolution No. 2006-073• Approving Claims: <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnson — to adopt Resolution No. 2006-073 approving Claims Numbers <br />338, 339, DD822 through DD834, 29439 through 29454, were used for Staff Payroll <br />dated July 20, 2006; claims 340, 29455 through 29493, in the total amount of <br />$406,796.16. (Motion passed 3-0) <br />B. Request from Meehan Family for anExtension of Time to Record Final Plat <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 2, 2006 <br />