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September 5, 2006 CCP
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
September 5, 2006 CCP
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APPROVED AS AMENDED AUGUST 15, 2006 <br />M/S/P Johnson/Smith — to adopt Resolution No. 2006-077, approving the selection of <br />TKDA as consultant for the Park System Plan Update, and authorizing the Mayor and <br />City Administrator to enter into a contract for services. (Motion passed 2-1: DeLapp <br />believes the City has enough information on hand and people to evaluate this information <br />to complete a Park Plan update without hiring a consultant. The City doesn't need to <br />spend more money on the completion of the 1990 Park System Plan. Park usage/assets <br />need to be clearly defined, and future needs anticipated which can be accomplished <br />without consultant assistance and expense.) <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Easement for Northern Watermain• <br />City Engineer Prew informed Council that 2 appraisals have been received for the two <br />easements required from the Bergman's. He requested Council approval to schedule a <br />meeting to present offers to the property owners based on the appraisals. <br />M/S/P Johnson/DeLapp — to direct Staff to negotiate for the Northern Watermain <br />Easements with the Bergman's in accordance with the appraisal. (Motion passed 3-0) <br />9. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Resolution No. 2006-076: Garage Forward of Principal Structure 5487 Jamaca <br />Avenue (Landsem): <br />The City Planner reported that the property owner at 5487 Jamaca Blvd had applied for a <br />building permit to convert an existing 2-car garage to living area, and construct a <br />detached 3-garage nearer the front lot line than the principal structure, <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnson — to adopt Resolution No. 2006-076, approving location of a <br />detached garage structure nearer the front lot line than the principal structure at 5487 <br />Jamaca Avenue per plans Staff dated July 27, 2006. (Motion passed 3-0) <br />B. C& C North America: Resolution No. 2006-077 — Site Plan• <br />Resolution No. 2006-078 — Shoreland Variance: (Removed) <br />The City Planner informed the Council that C & C North America had requested that the <br />Section 520 Site Plan and Shoreland Variance requests be withdrawn until the August 15, <br />2006, Council meeting. <br />B. Hovnanian Homes: <br />Council Member DeLapp stated that he believes that Hovnanian Homes received the <br />wrong message following their presentation of a proposed project at a recent Council <br />Workshop. Hovnanian apparently understood from that unofficial meeting that the <br />Comp. Plan amendment to accelerate sewer staging to accommodate their project would <br />be approved by the Council if certain plan modifications were made. He reported that <br />Hovnanian has since met twice with neighbors to the site on which the Hovnanian <br />proposes the project where more modifications were suggested. He stated that when <br />Council Members and site neighbors suggest plan modifications, a developer assumes the <br />project will be approved by the City and concurred in by neighbors if that modification is <br />made. He observed that Hovnanian has not applied for any City approvals, and he <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 2, 2006 <br />5 <br />
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