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MINUTES APPROVED: FEBRUARY 1, 2000 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />JANUARY 18, 2000 <br />1. AGENDA <br />2, MINUTES: January 4, 2000 <br />3. CLAIMS <br />4. PUBLIC INOUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Y2K Update: Cynthia Young <br />B. Resignation of Steve Foley from VBWD <br />C. Resolution adopting Resol. No. 11-18-99-01 Ramsey/Washington opposition to SF2133 and <br />HF2137 — POSTPONED TO February 1, 2000 <br />D. Appointment of Wyn John to Village Commission (Added onto agenda) <br />E. Hiring of Warming House Attendant (Added onto agenda) <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />A. Sand Creek Group Contract <br />6. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: None <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: 50" Street Overlay <br />(Continued to 1-29-00 Workshop and 2-1-00 Council meeting) <br />B. Escrow Reduction —Tara Ridge <br />C. Escrow Reduction — Fields of St. Croix 2nd Addition <br />8. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Final Plat: Fields of St. Croix 2°d Addition <br />B. Final Plat" Tana Ridge <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY' S REPORT: None <br />10. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />11, UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />12. NEW BUSINESS: <br />13. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Cost of Living Increase <br />B. Reschedule March 7, 2000 Council meeting <br />Mayor Dunn called the Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present: Siedow, <br />Dunn, Armstrong, DeLapp, Administrator Kueffner, City Planner Dillerud, City Attorney John Miller, City <br />Engineer Tom Prew, Y2K Co-Ordinator Cyn Young, and Public Works Supervisor Dan Olinger. Absent: <br />Mayor Hunt <br />1. AGENDA <br />Postpone 4C. until February I't meeting, ADD: 4D. Application from Wyn John for the Village <br />Commission, 4E. Application from Michael Campbell for rink attendant. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow- to approve the January 18, 2000 City Council agenda, as amended. (Motion <br />passed 4-0). <br />2. MINUTES; January 4, 2000 <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to approve the January 4, 2000 City Council Meeting Minutes, as amended. <br />(Motion passed 3-0-1:Abstain:Siedow) <br />3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Siedow — to approve the January 18, 2000 Claims, as presented. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />Question: Are we paying for lights we didn't approve, as in, Torre Pines and Fields of St. Croix. Answer: <br />The developers have paid for their own lights. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 18, 2000 <br />