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02-15-00 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-15-00 CCM
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C. Fire Department <br />The Fire Chief asked for an executive session, but Attorney Filla said his request does not meet the criteria <br />needed for holding an Exec Session. The Administrator went over recommendations as written in the cover <br />sheet. The Fire Dept. is lacking in administrative procedures and recommended forming committee to look <br />at issues. At this time, she would not recommend any of the elected candidates be appointed, but that <br />senior member of the Fire Dept., Jim Bjorkman, be appointed as the interim Chief until a recommendation <br />comes forth from the study committee. <br />The Council received an unsigned letter, dated February 15, from the Citizens of Lake Elmo. <br />Paul Mitchell, 2811 Irish Avenue, is a neighbor of Greg Malmquist for 8 yrs, supports Greg as Fire Chief <br />because he has good ideas, and dedicated to the Fire Dept, <br />Joan Mitchell, 2811 Irish Avenue, found Greg's interest and dedication impressive. <br />Paul Bernardy, 8352 27" Street N., stated the City Council and Mayor are part of the Fire Dept. The <br />bylaws state how they run their elections. The City has approved the by-laws. The final say is by the <br />Council and asks them to be proactive. <br />Bonnie Collyard, 427 Cimarron, served 1 %: years on the dept. At a fire or car accident Greg has everyone's <br />safety foremost. He has encouraged her to stay on the department. Greg is passionate on what he does, <br />does not turn down a phone call, and the firefighters voted him in as Chief. <br />Stephanie Howard, 9440 Stillwater Blvd., wife of Asst. Chief, is saddened with allegations that came up <br />after the election. Greg has put countless hours of work in and will do an outstanding job as Chief. She <br />suggests following the chain of command for appointments. <br />Chris Howard favored Greg as Chief. He argued that the appointment of Jim Bjorkman as interim chief <br />would have negative consequences. You will do a great disservice to the department, jeopardizing the fire <br />scene, the chain of command, and how the business meetings are run. <br />John Eder, 9275 Lake Jane Trail, served 15 years on Fire Dept., supports Greg Malmquist as Chief and <br />doesn't like the decision the Council has made. <br />Rita Conlin, 8560 Ironwood Trail N., urged the Council to look at two separate issues. The scope has <br />widened from the direction of the Council. Mary's intentions are good. There are issues going on, and <br />she's trying to avoid a rift. Rita asked the Council to move the appointment of Greg and Assist Chiefs <br />because the process had been followed according to the by laws. As a separate issue, look at all the <br />administrative policies. <br />Mike Weyandt, 8772 Ironwood Trail N., doesn't know the allegations, but as a citizen has a concern on <br />safety of residents. Are the firefighters qualified, is our safety being jeopardized? The Fire Dept. members <br />followed the rules and elected the people to be officers. <br />Doug Pepin, 9571 53'd St. N., is a Fire Dept. member and concerned citizen. He has a concern with the <br />accusations and recommendations by the City Administrator. If there is a problem with the system now, it <br />is not the time to go against the vote. Review the issue in its entirety and look at future appointees. There is <br />a process in place, and the Chief post does not go to a senior member, but to an Assist Chief. Hopes the <br />Council does not take the recommendation from the City Administrator. He supports Greg, as Chief. <br />Administrator Kueffher stated the issue is not that Greg is qualified or dedicated, but to bring the dept, back <br />together with rules that everyone can follow that do not exist now. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 15, 2000 2 <br />
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