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02-15-00 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-15-00 CCM
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Gary VanCleve, 4931Lilac, President of Fields Homeowners Assoc, stated it is important that this property <br />stay in Lake Elmo. He is interested in that area of 50'" and Hwy 5 showing single family homes. The <br />viewshed through this area is consistent with character. The Fields has significant open space, try to <br />preserve as you head north of the development and that the comer remains open. <br />John Arkell, Stillwater Investment Co., said he met with the neighbors to the site and addressed their <br />concerns. They expressed support of this development at the Planning Commission meeting. Two other <br />land use options were submitted. He stated 0.9 dwelling units per acre was not enough, that he would need <br />1.4 dwelling units per acre. <br />Council member DeLapp thought 0.9 units is a major concession for the Planning Commission compared <br />to our cluster ordinance. Senior housing does belong in our downtown where there are services. He would <br />rather have a road onto 50'h Street than Hwy 5. <br />Council member Dunn stated the densities are in question. She appreciated how Mr. Arkell worked with <br />the residents and liked how he preserved the open space and transplanted trees. Thanked Mr. Arkell for <br />listening to the Council and coming in with better plans. <br />Council member Siedow liked the 108-unit land use option with the open space along 50th and Hwy 5. <br />Mayor Hunt also thanked Mr. Arkell for listening to the Council and looked at what fits into the area. He <br />could live with 1.4 units per acre as addressed in one of the land use plans. There would be townhomes for <br />seniors and emptynesters. <br />Council member Armstrong thought the Planning Commission was very generous with 0.9 dwelling units <br />per acre and, of the three -land use options presented, preferred Plan 2 with business in the corner. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Hunt—to change the definition of Suburban Residential Development as the residential <br />dwelling unit density of any newly developed or redeveloped SRD site shall not exceed 1.4 dwelling units <br />per acre, for a total of 119. (Motion passed 3-2: Armstrong,DeLapp.) <br />John Arkell pointed out if there is a "no" vote on the ordinance; he cannot submit an application for six <br />months. <br />The Council would be willing to hold a workshop to discuss density. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Dunn — to direct staff to set up a workshop on February 23'd, 5 p.m., to discuss the density <br />issue for Stillwater Investment Co. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Dunn/Siedow —to postpone consideration of an agreement until the Council meets after the <br />workshop. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />A. City's authority to regulate speed limits <br />Attorney Filla indicated in his letter dated February 10, 2000, that the City does not have the authority to <br />adjust the speed limit of 50'" Street without the consent of the Commissioner of Transportation. If the City <br />can argue that the current condition of 50" Street makes it unsafe for traffic travelling at 5 mph, the <br />Commissioner of Transportation might authorize an interim reduction in the speed limit. The City does <br />have authority to adopt a 25-mph speed limit on residential roadways. Lake Elmo streets are not town <br />roads located within rural residential districts. <br />Mayor Hunt will continue to attend the meetings on speed limits with the surrounding communities and <br />report back. <br />10. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: None <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 15, 2000 6 <br />
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