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M/S/P Dunn/Siedow — to set May 13, 2000, 8 a.m, to Noon, as Lake Elmo Annual Clean Up Day, at the <br />Washington County Fairgrounds, per the recommendation of Public Works Supervisor Dan Olinger. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />D. Annual Bobcat Trade <br />Dan Olinger reported that for the past five years, the City has been trading our bobcat skid steer loader on a <br />yearly schedule at a rate of $1,500 per year. Bobcat will have to increase the yearly trade rate to $1,850 per <br />year if we want to continue with this program. They will hold to that price for a minimum of three years. <br />A 2000 model 773G Bobcat equipped with the same options as current unit $18,915.00 with a trade of the <br />1999 763G Bobcat $16,635.00. The new tires and track package $3,600 with $382.20 sales tax. The Parks <br />Dept. will share costs 60/40 on the Bobcat. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow - based upon recommendation by Public Works and MAC, the total cost to the <br />City, in addition to sales tax and the normal cost of the annual trade for a 773G Bobcat, will be $6,262 with <br />the cost shared between the Public Works Dept, and the Parks Department. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />E. 50th Street Concerns <br />Dan Olinger stated that grading every two weeks is no longer adequate and there is an issue of dust control. <br />Washington County Public Works could grade on a weekly basis at a cost of $300-400 per month. The City <br />has contracted with Washington County for 15 years. Dan has contacted a company in Hastings that <br />applies dust control and requested prices. The intersection of Hwy 5 and 50"' Street gets a trench from <br />snowmobiles and suggested blacktop 200' to eliminate washboard affect. Council member Dunn asked he <br />look into surface that is more robust. The Council authorized the increased application of grading on 50'b <br />Street from once a week to twice a week and to have the budget adjusted accordingly. Dust control prices <br />will be brought back to Council. <br />F. Snowplow for Pickups <br />Dan Olinger reported when the City purchased the two new pickups in 1998 for the parks and public works <br />departments, the MAC asked that the trucks be outfitted for the installation of snowplows in the future. He <br />would like to purchase plows for both pickups to help speed up plowing that does not require the use of the <br />larger equipment and save the wear and tear of the more expensive equipment. <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp — to approve the purchase of (2) 8 '/z" Boss Plows from Truck Utilities at a cost of <br />$3000 each, for a total of $6000, based on the recommendations of MAC, and there is money in the <br />respective budget to cover these purchases. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />7. <br />None <br />8. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment & PUT) Concept Plan — Stillwater Investment <br />Mike Gair, McCombs Frank Roos Assoc., reported the Planning Commission did consider the unique <br />character of this piece of property and the influence by outside forces. He stated the modified plan seeks to <br />restrict density to approximately 1.8 units/gross acres, includes rational residential density transition from <br />north to south and east to west and responds to adjoining existing landscape conditions, and private <br />communal waste systems. Infrastructure does support 147 units. <br />Barb Engle, 12058 55"' St., wants to see the land in Lake Elmo. John Arkell met with neighbors and <br />addressed their concerns on noise and traffic by adding an 8' berm. In lieu of town homes, she would <br />prefer single-family homes. The big issue would be traffic, keep traffic off of 55`h St, and a dead end at cul- <br />de-sac. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 15, 2000 <br />