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Approved 4/4/00 <br />Lake Elmo <br />City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />Tuesday, March 21, 2000 <br />Mayor Hunt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 3800 <br />Laverne Avenue North, Lake Elmo, Minnesota. Present: Councilmembers Armstrong, Dunn, and <br />Siedow. Absent: Councilmember DeLapp. Also present: City Administrator Kueffner, City Planner <br />Dillerud, City Attorney Filla, City Engineer Prew, Building Official McNamara, Public Works <br />Supervisor Olinger, and Parks Superintendent Bouthilet. <br />Pledge of Allegiance <br />1. Agenda <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - to approve the agenda, as presented. <br />(Motion Passed 4.0). <br />2. Minutes - March 8, 2000 <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - to approve the March 8, 2000 meeting minutes, as amended. <br />(Motion Passed 4-0). <br />3. Claims <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Siedow - to approve the Claims, as presented. <br />(Motion Passed 4-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INQUIRIESANFORMATIONAL <br />Mayor Hunt recognized three Boy Scouts who were attending the City Council meeting as a <br />requirement to earn their "Citizenship of Community" Merit badge. Administrator <br />Kueffner noted that she had provided the young men with copies of the meeting agenda and <br />City Budget. <br />4.A VFW Flags - Al Mitchell <br />Mr. Mitchell said Lake Elmo Post 5725 of the VFW was chartered the 27" day of <br />June 1946 by 31 Veterans from the community that included names like Earl Goerss, <br />Bob Mordick, Randy Lofgren and Elmer Richert. He noted that in June of 1947, <br />they formed a Women's Auxiliary. Mr. Mitchell explained that the Post and Auxiliary <br />members have worked hard and proudly, donating many hours and money to local <br />schools, scholarships for college bound area students, Boy Scout programs, and <br />numerous other fund-raisers. He said that just because the VFW sold their building, <br />it did not indicate they have stopped working for the community. Mr. Mitchell said <br />the Lake Elmo Post 5725, along with its Commander Bill Henning and Auxiliary <br />President Marlene Nelson, proudly present 30 American Flags, poles, bands, and <br />brackets to Lake Elmo so they can be displayed through the year on Veterans Day, <br />Memorial Day, Presidents Day, and so on. He then expressed his thanks for allowing <br />