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03-21-00 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-21-00 CCM
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the Post to p, osent the flags, and also for the City taking on the responsibility of <br />putting them up, and taking them down. <br />Mayor Hunt, and the Councilmembers congratulated the VFW Post and Auxiliary <br />for being a beacon to the community, for being a positive influence to the youth, for <br />creating community spirit, and stated a VFW Post is what "America is all about". <br />They said they were honored to accept this fine donation of flags, and indicated staff <br />will draft a formal letter of acknowledgment. It was agreed that staff would create a <br />calendar of the days the flags would be flown. <br />4.B Update on Lake Elmo Airport: Mark Hugunin <br />Mr. Hugunin gave an update on the Met Council's actions relating to the proposed <br />amendment regarding land use compatibility concerning system airports potentially <br />affected, of which one is Lake Elmo Airport. He said no changes are indicated to <br />occur in the 1996 Aviation Plan for airports outside the MUSA. <br />Mr. Hugunin commented on the recent Calthorpe study by saying, because of the <br />success of the study, Met Council has pursued other grants to enable further studies <br />in other communities. <br />4.0 Proposed Cat Ordinance <br />Administrator Kueffner said that over the years, the city has received numerous <br />complaints from residents regarding cats running at large, and the damage they do to <br />children's sandboxes, birdhouses, garbage cans, etc. She explained that taxpayers <br />also pay astronomical costs for the disposal of stray cats, some of which could be <br />offset by licensing. <br />Resident, Gloria Knoblauch asked what the annual fee for a cat license would be, to <br />which Administrator Kueffner replied, "The fee is to be determined, at this time." <br />Councilor Armstrong said she had done some research into what other community's <br />policies were, and said she felt it is nearly impossible to enforce a cat ordinance. She <br />encouraged pet owners to have their animal's neutered/spayed, and suggested <br />children should not play in uncovered sandboxes. <br />Administrator Kueffner said she would again discuss the proposed ordinance with <br />Lake Elmo Animal Control Officer, Mike Smith, and bring costs back to the <br />Council. <br />Councilor Siedow agreed that a cat ordinance might be difficult to enforce. <br />Mayor Hunt asked staff to develop costs relating, put into ordinance form, check <br />with the League of Minnesota Cities model ordinance, and bring back to the Council <br />for further review. <br />4.D CSAH 19 Rumble Strips <br />Administrator Kueffner noted that in the letter from Washington County <br />Department of Transportation & Physical Development regarding rumble strip <br />maintenance, no evidence of rumble strip effectiveness was indicated. <br />2 <br />
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