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M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to appoint Cheryl Bartholomew, 2229 Legion Avenue N. and Constance <br />Spaise, 2995 Legion Avenue, on the Lake Elmo Village Commission. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Planning books will be given to the new Village Commissioners. Planner Dillerud will look into having a <br />speaker come to City Hall and talk to the Council and Commissions about TDR and PDR. Mayor Hunt <br />advised that the League does offer customization of one -day courses. <br />C. Application for Human Rights; DELETE <br />The application received was withdrawn. <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: None <br />6. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. Greg Malmquist, Fire Chief, reported he would attend the first meeting of the month to update the <br />Council on Fire Department activities. Two new "Life Pack 500" defibrillators were placed in service; the <br />old unit is installed in the squad car. His taking the squad car home has worked out well because he can get <br />on scene within 3-4 minutes, particularly on a medical call. On fire calls, he advises incoming units. When <br />he is on vacation, the car is turned over to the Assistant Chief. The City had two fires, a house on Keats <br />Avenue and a movilla in Cimarron. Fire Dept. member, Bonnie Collyard has passed the National Registry <br />E.M.T. exam. According to the DNR, a burning permit ban starts, Monday, March 13, and Greg will <br />announce when the ban is lifted. <br />B. Request from West Lakeland for Fire Protection Quote <br />The City Administrator received a memo from Susan Agrimson, West Lakeland Township Clerk, <br />requesting a quote for a fire service contract from the Lake Elmo Fire Dept. <br />Greg Malmquist indicated the City never put together a package like this and has some concerns, <br />particularly, daytime coverage, yet the pool for potential firefighters will be enlarged. He will be meeting <br />with the administrator on Thursday. <br />Administrator Kueffner did not agree with Chief Malmquist as who should serve on the Fire Department <br />Study Committee. She suggested the Fire Chief and one of the senior members of the dept. <br />When the Dept. was asked who would be interested in serving on the Committee, Chief Malmquist stated <br />Chris Howard was the only member who expressed interest in serving on the committee. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to appoint Chief Malmquist and a Fire Dept. member suggested by the City <br />Administrator to serve on the Fire Dept. Study Committee. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Parkview Estates Escrow Reduction - POSTPONED <br />8. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment and PUD Concept Plan Stillwater Investment <br />City Planner Dillerud reported he has been advised by Stillwater Investment that the concept of 109 single- <br />family lots and not more than 25,000 square feet of office on a four -acre site would prove feasible. Staff <br />has been advised that the Council can take no formal action regarding an application amended per the <br />above description until a new Public Hearing has been conducted by the Planning Commission. <br />Mile Gair indicated Stillwater Investment is in the process of preparing a plat, site plan, documents, with <br />an amendment for a formal request for four acres of commercial. <br />Council member Dunn asked the applicant, with the higher density requested, to consider something <br />different and not ask for additional bonuses for second log home. She asked applicants to look at studies <br />that have been done and the themes brought forth. Councilmember DeLapp agreed that with a PUD, <br />something nice could go done there. Planner Dillerud indicated Stillwater Investment has removed its <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 8, 20000 2 <br />