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03-08-00 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-08-00 CCM
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request regarding the use of the Betty Smith homestead parcel for another log structure to be used as <br />Stillwater Investment offices. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow - to refer Stillwater Investment applications to the Planning Commission to hear <br />and make a recommendation on a plan for 109 new single family lots, plus one, and not more than 25,000 <br />square feet of office use, would consider two levels in building, designated on a four acre parcel in NE <br />corner, as the plan presented by Planner Dillerud, signed by Council member Steve DeLapp and agreed <br />upon by the applicants. (Motion passed 4-1:Armstrong: does not object to the commercial in the northeast <br />corner, but liked to see the number of lots go down with a larger business area. Dunn: look at studies that <br />have been done and themes brought forth. <br />Mike Gair pointed out the Council changed the Suburban Residential Development Definition not to <br />exceed 1.4 dwelling units per acre, for a total of 119. Planner Dillerud noted that this was the Council's <br />previous motion and that the project will be going back to the Planning Commission. He will recommend <br />to them the appropriate change to the SRD definition in this regard. The Council thanked Stillwater <br />Investment for the effort it put into this plan. <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: None <br />10. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor Hunt gave an update on his proposed initiatives for 1999. <br />1. Feedback system on web is done. <br />2. Web page is up and going. <br />3. Monthly survey cards. <br />4. Structure Council meetings so Dept. Heads come to give updates is done. <br />5. Staff plan created —additional staffing needs (what are the triggers we need --review in 2000). <br />6. Technology. <br />7. Document management system — prepare 5-year plan. <br />8. Facility equipment plan —review in 2000. <br />9. Major Community Activities: I-94 Corridor Plan (part of the Comp Plan). <br />10. Firefighter recruitment plan. <br />11. Customer service initiative <br />The Administrator thought the Council and staff should meet and set some goals. <br />Mayor Hunt will investigate a retreat workshop and bring a recommendation back to Council under Old <br />Business. <br />Street names — Administrator Kueffner explained the City entered into agreement to follow the Uniform <br />Street Naming and Property Numbering System as filed in the County's Courthouse. The County stopped <br />the recording of the Fields II plat because the east, west streets were suppose to be numbered streets and <br />would not record the plat until the street names have been changed. <br />Council member DeLapp had a problem with this system, as the cities of Woodbury, Forest Lake, <br />Stillwater threw it out. He suggested placing the Uniform Street Naming system on future agenda, with <br />completion by May, 2000. <br />Council member DeLapp would like to look into technology for logging into Council meetings, if away. <br />Council member Siedow responded then no one would be here at the meetings. <br />Tour of streets workshop — Issues submitted by Council member DeLapp. The Council asked the Planning <br />Commission to set up a street committee. Council member Armstrong and Planning Commission Chair, <br />Tom Armstrong, volunteered to serve on this committee. <br />11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />The Cat Ordinance is almost done and will be on the next Council Agenda. Attorney Filla will give an <br />update on the abandon house considered a nuisance. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 8, 20000 3 <br />
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