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12. NEW BUSINESS: None <br />13.CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Criminal Prosecution Procedure Workshop <br />The Council suggested that this issue be added to this agenda for further discussion. The Council thanked <br />Attorney Fills, and Sgt. Jay Kimble for attending the February 26`" workshop. At a previous Council <br />meeting, there was a motion to go out for an REP. We could advertise the RFP in the League Bulletin and <br />Stillwater Gazette and ask the firms to present us with a proposal on an hourly basis and flat fee basis. <br />Limit to firms used in Washington County. The staff will come back with ways to address on how to <br />facilitate proposal. <br />B. Water System I-94 & Old Village — POSTPONED <br />C. Update on Stonegate Park Dedication <br />Administrator Kueffner advised the Council that the developer of Stonegate owed the City $17,000 and <br />will pay us from the proceeds of selling the last lot. <br />The Council adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. <br />Submitted by Sharon Lumby, Deputy City Clerk <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 8, 20000 4 <br />