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Lake Elmo resident, Gloria Knoblauch, explained her family home burned down in Cumberland, WI. <br />Thermal sensors could have saved the house, and she suggested the City buy one sensor and maybe 3M <br />could buy another one. Chief Malmquist is looking into thermal sensor for dept. but they cost $10-12,000 <br />and some are up to $25,000. The Lake Elmo Jaycees have showed some interest in purchasing a thermal <br />sensor for the City. Armstrong will inquire at 3M. <br />MAYOR HUNT RECOGNIZED FOUR MEMBERS FROM TROOP 162 WHO ARE WORKING ON <br />THEIR CITIZEN MERIT BADGE. <br />MAYOR HUNT PROCLAIMED MAY AS FOSTER CARE MONTH IN THE CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />AND URGE ALL CITIZENS TO VOLUNTEER THEIR TALENTS AND ENERGIES ON BEHALF OF <br />CHILDREN IN FOSTER CARE, FOSTER PARENTS, AND THE CHILD WELFARE PROFESSIONAL <br />STAFF WORKING WITH THEM DURING THIS MONTH AND THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. <br />B. Stillwater Area Chamber of Commerce Sheryl E. Marshall <br />Sheryl E-Marshall, Director of the Stillwater Area Chamber of Commerce, indicated the Chamber <br />promotes, represents, and advocates business in the Stillwater area. Packets of information were submitted <br />to the Council. The cost will be $400 for the City to join the Chamber. <br />Kitty Rucker, President of the Lake Elmo Business Assoc., reported at its last business meeting there were <br />five additional businesses in attendance. The Association is working on a brochure describing services for <br />new residents. <br />C. Application to Solid Waste Environment Commission <br />Fred Banister, 3100 Lake Elmo Avenue N., submitted an application and indicated his interest in serving on <br />the Solid Waste/Environment Commission. <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp - to appoint Fred Banister to the Lake Elmo Solid Waste/ Environment Commission. <br />(Motion passed 5-0.) <br />Council member DeLapp asked if the name could be changed to Environmental Commission. The <br />Administrator will leave that decision up to the Commission. <br />D. Stillwater Area Schools Partnership Plan <br />Representatives from the Stillwater Schools Partnership Plan, Becky Billingsly, Lynda Halbret, and Myrna <br />Renslo, a teacher at Lake Elmo Elementary School, provided Partnership Insight on how the organization <br />provides special funding and human resources for students and staff to enhance the quality of education in <br />Stillwater Area Schools. <br />E. Cat Ordinance (Continued) <br />Action on the proposed ordinance requiring the licensing of cats within the City was tabled at the last <br />Council meeting so that staff could provide additional information. Data from 1999 was provided showing <br />the total cost to taxpayers was $21,022.82. In 1999, there were 191 dogs license, which brought in $1,910 <br />in revenues. Bills from the St. Croix Animal Shelter show a large amount of unclaimed animals. There <br />also quite a few "call outs", that are billed by the ACO at $35 per call. Administrator Kueffner pointed out <br />the problem far exceeds the licensing of cats. She would like to check with other cities to find out how <br />they deal with after -hour calls, or animals that owners drop off in rural areas. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to come back with one comprehensive program for animal control issues and <br />place item under Unfinished Business. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 4, 2000 2 <br />