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MINUTES: May 2, 2000 <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to approve the May 2, 2000 City Council minutes, as amended. (Motion <br />passed 4-0). <br />3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong — to approve the June 6, 2000 Claims (31 checks) in the amount of $13,076.06, as <br />presented. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INOUIRIESANFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Public Inquiries <br />Michele Bachmann introduced herself as the newly endorsed candidate for Senate (56C) and extended an <br />invitation to meet with the Council. <br />Deterioration of 15'h Street: <br />Corryl Jeske, 8996 15'" Street N., explained 15'h Street is deteriorating. There are only eight residents <br />living on this road. Traffic is generated by Linder's Greenhouse from 6 a.m. to midnight with belly <br />dumpers, cement trucks, 18-wheelers. Trucks leave refrigerator unit running while parked. She asked the <br />Council to require Linder's to follow the conditions stated in its Conditional Use Permit <br />Administrator Kueffner responded that Maintenance Foreman Dan Olinger has asked the County to grade <br />the road more often and is looking at the feasibility of a chip seal overlay project for 15`h Street. The City <br />needs an assessment of the road to determine if it is beyond repair. This paragraph will be copied to Dan <br />and the City Engineer and ask them to inspect the street and compare to regulations within Linder's CUP <br />and to do a traffic count. Linder's will be notified that it is illegal to park semi -trailers and let them run. <br />This issue will be added to the next Council agenda <br />John Nicholson, 8975 15" Street, asked if the hours of Linder's Greenhouse operation could be reviewed. <br />The Administrator will copy the CUP and notify the eight residents of council meeting date. <br />Fire Department Study Committee: <br />Doug Pepin, 9571 , Street, stated in February issues were raised for the Fire Dept. Advisory committee <br />to address. The committee has only met once because three meetings have been cancelled and will not meet <br />the report deadline of June 1. He recommended heat be placed on this committee or abolish the committee <br />and ask the Fire Department officers to deal with issues. <br />Administrator Kueffner has worked with Fire Chief Greg Malmquist on a draft policy document, which has <br />been sent to the Chief and Assistant Chiefs for their comments. Fire Dept. Study Committee meetings are <br />scheduled for June loth and 17'". <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - Due to circumstances, the Council postpone receipt of Fire Dept. Study <br />Committee's requirement of June I to sending the Policy document for a July Council meeting. (Motion <br />passed 4-0.) <br />B. Thank Your Letter to Maintenance Department <br />Administrator Kueffner received a letter and donation from resident thanking Lake Elmo Public Works for <br />the fine effort in picking up brush and to use the funds for an employee picnic. <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: none <br />6. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. Update on Fire Department Activities: Chief Malmquist <br />Fire Chief Greg Malmquist voiced his frustration on timing by the Fire Dept. Study Committee. There is <br />no citizen from Lake Elmo serving on the committee, which Greg thought was included in the Council's <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 6, 2000 2 <br />