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motion. Mayor Hunt thought perhaps a member of the public could serve, but wanted to see what the <br />feeling is of the committee if it needs more people. All meetings are open to the public and the agenda is <br />published on website and on cable. <br />Chief Malmquist gave his update on Fire Dept, activities <br />B. Arbor Day <br />Mayor Hunt asked that Mike Bouthilet be reminded of Arbor Day, with a possible June Arbor Day <br />Proclamation. <br />C. Planning Commission Application <br />Council member DeLapp stated the Council has not acted on Diane Taylor's application to the Planning <br />Commission. <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Dead trees on 30 Street <br />Tom Prew stated the 29 dead trees along 30°i Street are under warranty so they will be replaced. <br />8. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Carmelite Sisters — Request for waiver of the Public Facility Moratorium <br />Leo McGough, on behalf of the Carmelite Sisters, requested a waiver of the PF Moratorium to permit <br />construction of storage and fencing on the monastery site at 8251 DeMontreville Trail. In his letter Mr. <br />McGough cited safety and security issues related to both proposed site improvements. By approval of the <br />waiver, no specific building and zoning approvals for the actual construction are implied. When complete <br />plans for the improvements are submitted to the City, they will be reviewed for compliance with the <br />applicable Building and Zoning Code requirements of the City. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to approve waiver of the PF moratorium for construction of a garage and fence at <br />the Carmelite Monastery, 8251 DeMontreville Trail, based on a Finding that such waiver is exclusively <br />responsive to safety and security requirements of the existing use, with no increase in that use to result. <br />(Motion passed 4-0.) <br />B. Continuation of Public Hearing for Vacation of Unimproved Portion of 25°i Street within Eden <br />Park <br />As directed by the City Council, the City Administrator completed a comprehensive review of the Eden <br />Park Development, specifically as it relates to the unimproved portion of Lisbon Avenue. Gay Van Pelt <br />sent the City a memo outlining the events that have led up to this point. Administrator Kueffner clarified a <br />few issues in her review. <br />Gary Johnson stated he would have piece of mind if the access was left there so he could have options <br />when, and if, he should develop. He is concerned about the safety of future residents of Lake Elmo. <br />He would like to have lots for his two sons, but don't know if they want to live there. An option could be to <br />ran loops for roads with each development. <br />Wyn John stated the right-of-way in a city is considered an asset and do not lightly give away until you <br />consider long term planning. <br />Scott McDonald, representing Dorothy Augustine, stated there is no pressure from Mrs. Augustine as a <br />developer. She doesn't want to be deprived access, but would like to keep options open. Vacating the street <br />would be going against staff recommendations. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 6, 2000 3 <br />