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2. MINUTES <br />NUS/P Siedow/Armstrong — to approve the September 5, 2000 City Council <br />minutes, as amended. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to approve Resolution No. 2000-044, Claim # 18007 <br />through # 18033 in the amount of $25,521.60. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />4. PUBLIC INOUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL <br />A. Update on 15TH Street, Letter from Parkview Estates Assoc. <br />Administrator Kueffner reported staff met with the Linder family to discuss <br />to what extent, if any, their business has expanded and possibly out of <br />compliance with their existing Conditional Use Permit. Before the staff <br />meets with concerned residents, it would be helpful to have an estimate of <br />the cost of improving the street to be able to consider all options that are <br />available to remedy the current situation. The Administrator recommended <br />the Council adopt the resolution directing the City Engineer to prepare a <br />report on the improvement. <br />Randy Straus, Parkview Estates Homeowners Assoc., submitted a letter <br />stating concerns on increased amount of traffic now causes unsafe <br />conditions and the frequency of grading is not being done. They are <br />requesting paving of 15t`' Street east of Inwood Avenue. Administrator <br />Kueffner clarified that Mr. Lyman, developer of Parkview Estates, did not <br />escrow approximately 50% of the estimate to pave the portion of 15th Street <br />that runs along this development. What he paid was $5,824.00, and it was <br />based on our current assessment policy. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Armstrong — to adopt Resolution No. 2000-045, directing the <br />City Engineer to prepare a Feasibility Report for paving of 15t" Street east of <br />Inwood Avenue and the report should compare the costs of simply paving <br />the street as is, or bringing it up to a 9-ton design. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Dan Olinger received two bids for gravel, one from Miller Excay. and the <br />other from Schifsky. This will be brought back as a proposal at the next <br />Council meeting. <br />5. NEW BUSINESS <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 19, 2000 <br />