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9. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Rezone RR to AG (G. Peltier) <br />Gene Peltier is requesting a rezone for approximately 120 acres in the northwest quadrant <br />of Lake Elmo Avenue and I-94 from RR (Rural Residential) to AG (Agricultural). At its <br />August 28 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the application <br />based on a Finding that the AG zoning is more restrictive than RR; and, that AG zoning <br />is equally consistent with the RAD land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong — to adopt Ordinance 9760, amending the Lake Elmo Zoning <br />Map to change the classification from RR (Rural Residential) to AG (Agricultural) of the <br />described 120 acres in the Northwest quadrant of Lake Elmo Avenue and I-94 based on <br />compliance of the rezoning with the Comprehensive Plan. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. OP Development Stage Plan, Preliminary Plat and CUP: D&T development <br />(Cardinal Ridge) <br />This is an OP project for a 40 acre site east of Parkview Estates and North of 15th Street <br />resulting in 16 new single family detached building lots and the one existing residence. <br />Existing accessory structures would be relocated onto one of the Preserved Open Space <br />outlots. The Planning Commission recommended approval based on findings of <br />compliance with the standards of the OP section of the Zoning Ordinance and the <br />findings required for a Conditional Use Permit. The OP Development Stage Plan reflects <br />the approved OP Concept Stage Plan, including the conditions. <br />Tim Freeman reported 16th Street would be 18' wide and the applicant was in favor of <br />putting money up front for paving of 15th Street N. The ponds would be maintained by <br />the Homeowners Assoc. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Hunt — to adopt Resolution No. 2000-040 approving the OP Development <br />Stage Plan, Preliminary Plat, and Conditional Use Permit for Cardinal Ridge, based on <br />the recommendation of the Planning Commission. (Motion passed 3-1:Armstrong:The <br />applicant got 2 bonuses for the Village Green, didn't like the proposed Village Green or <br />the divided streets.) <br />C. PF ordinance <br />Peter Beck, Gray, Plant, Mooty, provided a letter on behalf of the Churches which own <br />property in the City indicating their continuing concerns with respect to the proposed PF <br />ordinance. Beck pointed out the primary concern with the ordinance continues to be the <br />maximum lot size and overly restrictive impervious surface and buffer yard requirements. <br />In his opinion, the ordinance will keep all new churches out of the City and prevent <br />existing churches from expanding to meet the needs of the community. He reminded the <br />City that the PF Ordinance would affect them when it wants to build a maintenance <br />building or City Hall. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 5, 2000 <br />