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There was council consensus to use the Impact Zoning as a potential alternative. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Armstrong — to adopt Ordinance No. 9762, amending Section 300 of the <br />City Code (Zoning) regarding standards of the PF (Public Facilities) Zoning District, <br />based on the recommendation of the Planning Commission. There was Council <br />consensus to use Impact Zoning as a potential overlay. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Siedow/Armstrong — to adopt Ordinance No. 9761, amending Section 150 of the <br />City Code (Definition of Place of Worship) (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />D. Conditional Use permit: Non Ag use low impact: Tom Armstrong <br />Thomas G., Thomas P. and Jodi M. Armstrong, feeowners of approximately 264.6 acres <br />of land, have requested a Conditional Use Permit, which would specifically apply to <br />approximately 10 acres of the applicant's property (the CUP area) as illustrated in Exhibit <br />13, to utilize the CUP area for certain Non-Ag Low Impact Uses, subject to the city's <br />regulations. A portion of the specified site (6.26 acres with 47,800 sq.ft. of existing <br />structures) exists as a legal non -conforming use responsive to an ordinance of similar <br />intent and purpose that was repealed in 1987. This application is responsive to the new <br />Ordinance No. 9757, adopted by the Council on July 18, 2000. <br />At its August 28 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approving this <br />application for a Conditional Use Permit for a Non -Agricultural Low Impact Use <br />(Commercial Storage) on a specified site of 10 acres within a committed total site of <br />264.6 acres. At the 1.5% impervious surface coverage allowable by the ordinance, as <br />much as 172,500 sq.ft. of structure would be possible, but the applicants have shown a <br />total of 95,500 sq.ft. of existing/future structures on their plan. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Siedow — to adopt Resolution No 2000-041, as amended, approving a <br />Conditional Use Permit for Non -Agricultural Low Impact Use for Thomas G., Thomas P. <br />and Jodi Armstrong, subject to Conditions and based on the recommendation of the <br />Planning Commission. (Motion passed 4-0:Armstrong:abstain.) <br />E. Sudivision waiver (Simple Lot Division) Richard Hesse <br />Richard Hesse is requesting to divide 5 acres from a 27 % acre parcel; and combine that 5 <br />acres with an existing 5 acre parcel located on the opposite side of 50a' St. N. At its <br />August 28, 2000 meeting, the Planning Commission adopted a recommendation to <br />approve this application indicating one of the advantages of the proposal was reducing <br />non -conformity of the existing 5 acre parcel south of 50t" St. (where there are accessory <br />structures, but no principal structure) by combining it with the 5 acre portion north of <br />50th, which does have a residence. The City Attorney, in his letter dated August 11, <br />advised against the action acknowledging the unusual nature of the proposal. The City <br />Planner suggested that a Covenant recorded on each of the 5-acre tax parcels could <br />preclude the sale of either without the other, thus preserving the 10-acre zoning parcel <br />status over time. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 5, 2000 <br />