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2. MINUTES: September 19, 2000 <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to approve the September 19, 2000 City <br />Council minutes, as amended. (Motion passed 3-0.) <br />3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to adopt Resolution No. 2000-049, Approving <br />the October 3, 2000 Claims 418034 through 18074 in the amount of <br />$87,721.25. (Motion passed 3-0.) <br />4. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Public Inquiries <br />Wyn John, 8883 Jane Road, asked if Shafer Mining contributed a major <br />monetary portion for the reconstruction of Jamaca Avenue, which permits <br />them excessive use of the road. <br />Council member DeLapp received letters from two residents and a call from <br />a third expressing concerns about the Shafer mining operation. These <br />concerns and observations were stated in DeLapp's e-mail to the Mayor and <br />City Planner. Council member DeLapp asked that the staff be directed to <br />study the following issues related to the Shafer Mining Operation: <br />1. What is the applicable CUP? <br />2. Are the new berms permissible under the terms of the CUP. Is the <br />condition of the berms acceptable under City landscaping standards. <br />3. How many trucks per day are using Jamaca from the mining site? What <br />is the effect on Jamaca from the current levels of truck traffic due to the <br />mining operation? Can the back-up signals be replaced with a camera <br />and monitor? <br />4. What is the composition of the fill being delivered to the site and is it <br />compatible with the future land use map? Is the site drainage and onsite <br />ponding acceptable? Can fencing be required for the site? <br />5. What are the owner's short term and long term plans for the mining site? <br />6. Can anything be done to provide relief to the residents adjacent to the <br />site? <br />Mayor Hunt asked staff to research and prepare answers. The intent is not to <br />shut them down. We need to look if these things are in the CUP. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 3, 2000 <br />