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3. CLAIMS 1 <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong — to remove claim #24 $109.29 Greg Malmquist cell phone <br />reimbursement for 2001,#25 $441.78 Greg Malmquist cell phone reimbursement for 2000 <br />until the May 15th Council meeting.The Cell Phone Reimbursement policy was adopted on <br />November 81 2000 and was not made retroactive to first of the year.(Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - to remove Claim #36 $3,438 Washington County Waste Mgmt <br />Fee/Tax Parcels for clarification from the Finance Director. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Armstrong/DeLapp — to adopt Resolution No. 2001-027, approving claims number <br />18696 through 18713 and 18715 through 18728 in the amount of $23,788.06. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INOUIRIESANFORMATIONAL• <br />A. Public Inquiries: NONE <br />5. NEW BUSINESS: <br />6. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />A. Rental Space for Parks Dept. <br />In his memo, Mike Bouthilet lists the equipment he would like to store in two units in the <br />Johnson rental building across from the parks building. Equipment would seasonally <br />rotate into storage depending on need and type. Priority would be placed on mechanical or <br />motor driven items. The cost for storing this equipment is $180 a month for the two units <br />needed. <br />Council member Dunn pointed out there was no cost benefit analysis done. Previously, <br />Dan Olinger had provided a plan for a non -heated storage facility. The Council asked that <br />this cold storage proposal out at the maintenance garage be looked into. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong — to not approve the request of Mike Bouthilet to store equipment <br />in two units in the Steve Johnson building, but to look into the previous proposal by Dan <br />Olinger for a cold storage facility attached to the pole shed located at the Maintenance <br />Dept. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Council member Armstrong stated there is an inconsistency of the present use to what use <br />was approved when the Council approved building reconstruction. Council member <br />DeLapp added that the relocation of the nonconforming structure was reconstructed from <br />scratch. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/DeLapp — to direct the staff for a clarification for the next meeting of <br />what the approved allowed use was based on granting of the reconstruction of the two <br />buildings owned by Steve Johnson and are these uses being enforced. (Motion passed 5- <br />0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 1, 2001 2 <br />