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B. Ordinance amending SLion 810 of Lake Elmo Municipal _;ode relating to Open <br />Burning. <br />The City is bringing its "Open Burning" regulations into compliance with State Law. The <br />City Attorney has approved the Ordinance. <br />Attorney Filla explained that a permit is not needed for a "campfire" or when the ground is <br />snow-covered. Snow-covered means that the ground has a cover of snow, to a depth of <br />three inches or more, surrounding the area of the fire, sufficient to keep the fire from <br />spreading. A permit is required for burning of materials such as, grass, leaves, brush and <br />untreated lumber. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn - to adopt Ordinance 9780 amending Sections 810, 810.01, <br />810.02, 810.03, and 810.04, and repealing Section 810.05 of the Lake Elmo Municipal <br />Code relating to Open Burning. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. Resolution Approving the Plans for the Overlay of CSAH35 (50th St.)POSTPONED <br />D. Resolution Awarding Bid for Crack Sealing <br />Tom Prew reported two quotes were received for our annual crack -sealing program. A list <br />of streets to be worked on was provided. These quotes were based on 25,000 pounds of <br />crack sealant. <br />Northwest Asphalt Maintenance, Inc. $14,725.00 <br />Asphalt Surface Technology Corp. $18,900.00 <br />Bergman Companies, Inc. $22,750.00 <br />Prew recommended awarding the 2001 Crack Sealing Project to Northwest Asphalt <br />Maintenance, Inc. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - to adopt Resolution No. 2001-028 awarding the contract for <br />2001 Crack Filling to Northwest Asphalt Maintenance, Inc. for $14,725.00. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />7. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. Update on Code Violations: Jim McNamara <br />The Council received a list of outstanding complaints, some of which were turned over to <br />the prosecuting attorney, Kevin Shoeberg. Administrator Kueffner asked if the Council <br />wanted her to seek approval of any code violation that is turned over to the civil attorney. <br />The Council gave Administrator Kueffner the directive it was at her discretion whether <br />issues should be pursued civil or criminally. Administrator Kueffner will write a memo on <br />this. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY L 2001 <br />