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05-01-01 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-01-01 CCM
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Council members Siedow any. Junn, Fire Dept. Committee members, will be meeting on a <br />Saturday to discuss issues. After this meeting occurs, the Council will schedule a <br />workshop, draft an agenda, with the Fire Dept., City Administrator and Mayor Hunt. <br />Councilmember Dunn received a letter from Gregory Fries, Manager, St. Paul Downtown, <br />Lake Elmo Airport, indicating the Metropolitan Airports Commission staff has contacted <br />the pilot of the T-6, WWII training aircraft and has discussed with him the Lake Elmo <br />Airport Noise Abatement Plan. MAC has strongly recommended to the owners and <br />operators of the aircraft that they use an airport outside the metro area to practice. He did <br />not believe this aircraft would be a problem in the future. <br />Councilmember Dunn asked that a formal request be made to Mn/DOT asking they review <br />the speed limits along Highway 5. The 50 - 55-mph speed limit is a safety concern in <br />getting out onto Highway 5 from Hagbergs, Lake Elmo Bank and City Hall and the <br />Klondike area. <br />12.UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />13.CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Update on Hudson Blvd. Turn -Back, Update on Signalization at CR13 & Hudson <br />Blvd. and at Ramp <br />Administrator Kueffner reported that the Council gave her direction to pursue the turn <br />back of Hudson Blvd. to the City. This issue came up when MN/DOT was requiring <br />building six lanes to accommodate The Machine Shed Restaurant and Hotel. She met with <br />representatives from MN/DOT and the County reading the turnback and the configuration <br />of the road when the lights are installed. Kueffner said she related to MN/DOT and the <br />County the Councils dislike of massive freeways being constructed for City Streets, and <br />asked that the road plan that they approved for the United Properties PUT) remain in effect. <br />They agreed to do this and to provide her with drawing of the road configuration on both <br />sides. The drawings were not available for this meeting. This will be on the next meeting <br />agenda. The Council asked that they try to synchronize the lights on Highway 13 into <br />Woodbury. <br />The Council adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted by Sharon Lumby, Deputy Clerk <br />Resolution No. 2001-027 approving claims #18696-18713 and 18715-18728 in the amount <br />of $23,788.06 <br />Resolution No. 2001-028 awarding contract for 2001 Crack Filling to Northwest Asphalt <br />Maintenance, Inc. <br />Resolution No. 2001-029 Ordering Improvement & Preparation of Plans for the 50" St. <br />Improvement <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 1, 2001 7 <br />
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