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05-01-01 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-01-01 CCM
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The following motion was made in response to Administrator Kueffner's question "Was <br />your intention to have Open Space in RE Zoning?" <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp — under Subd. 2 Intent: Remove Rural Estate and replace (,) with the <br />word "and". (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Councilmembers Dunn and Armstrong indicated the OP Ordinance before them was made <br />better. Armstrong thought the 200' buffer was too large, but could be worked on at a later <br />time. Siedow thought the density was low for incentives. Dunn stated the buffer sections <br />are appropriate next to RE zoning because we have a responsibility to protect our <br />homeowners. The 200' setback was a hindrance, and the 4/5ths variation should be <br />included. Mayor Hunt stated the ordinance as drafted would shutdown OP developments. <br />There was no incentives for what the City wanted. Once the ordinance is passed, changing <br />density is negligible to none. DeLapp liked the less number of lots, but the ordinance <br />reduced the number of lots by 25% which is enormous. He would like the density to go <br />from 15 to 16 and take out wetlands as not being part of the Open Space. <br />The following motion was made after all Council members made concessions. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong — to adopt Ordinance 9779, as amended, An Ordinance Repealing <br />Section 300.07 Subd. 4. O "Open Space Preservation District" as adopted by the Lake <br />Elmo City Council on February 18, 1997, and Replacing it with Chapter 301 "Open Space <br />Preservation" <br />ADD: 4/5ths supermajority rule <br />CHANGE: density from 15 to 16 <br />CHANGE: wording for Item 2. Preserve of Open Space Standards <br />CHANGE: C. Spell out "sixty days" <br />REMOVE: wetland, steepslopes, and other protective areas from the prohibited list, may <br />be included as part of the Open Space. <br />REMOVE: Section E. Buffer zones and insert existing Buffer Zones wording from the <br />one inforce. <br />(Motion passed 5-0 Council member Armstrong stated she voted for the OP ordinance <br />with the assumption that the minimum lot size would be 3/4 of an acre). <br />10.CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />1 LCITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor Hunt provided a Draft copy of the TH36 Corridor Management Plan, April 2001 <br />and expressed his opposition to the Plan. <br />Mayor Hunt and Council Members Armstrong attended a meeting on Severe Weather <br />Preparedness presented by the Cimarron Coalition working with United Way. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 1, 2001 <br />
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