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Because the used netting was removed from a golf course under an <br />insurance claim and is still in new condition, Mike Bouthilet recommended <br />to contract with First Quality Fence to install the used net on the backstop <br />and new in the outfield. <br />This was not a specific line item in the 2001 Budget, but there is approx. <br />$300,000 in the Parks CIP. Staff recommended transferring the money to <br />fund this project from the CIP Fund to the Parks Repair and Maintenance <br />Fund. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to approve the quote from First Quality Fence to <br />install the used safety net on the backstop and new safety net in the outfield, <br />for a total cost of $2700, based on a favorable recommendation from the <br />Parks Commission and Parks Supervisor. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to move item 9A. for people in attendance. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />9. PLANNING. LAND USE & ZONING• <br />A. Variance Appeal - Kiesling <br />On May 17, 2001, within the 5 day Appeal window provided for by the City <br />Code, City Administrator Kueffner appealed the decision of the Planning <br />Commission regarding the Kiesling variances. The basis for the appeal is <br />insufficient Findings by the Planning Commission to support the variance <br />approval decision. The May 10 Planning Staff Report had recommended <br />denial of the variances and included Findings in support of denial. The <br />Planning Commission made a singular Finding that the variance standards of <br />Section 300.06 Subd 3A were complied with by the Kiesling application. <br />Mr. Kiesling has been officially notified of this Appeal Hearing before the <br />City Council, acting as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, as prescribed <br />by the Zoning Ordinance. <br />Attorney Filla advised that the Council could affirm Planning Commission's <br />decision or reverse their decision and deny the variance based on findings or <br />modify the action of the Commission. <br />Joe Kiesling passed out a summary of his interpretation of variances granted <br />for neighbors on both sides of his property, Golish and Johnson. He stated <br />based on the site plan he is the farthest one from the water and would not <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 5, 2001 5 <br />