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like every other property on the lake. This property had problems as the <br />house is in the lakebed and needed a variance just to raise the structure. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong — to direct the staff to draft a resolution with <br />specific findings discussed at the Council meeting and findings stated in the <br />staff report to reverse the decision of the Planning Commission regarding the <br />Kiesling zoning variance for consideration and adoption for the next council <br />meeting. (Motion passed 3-2:Siedow: The City granted variances to other <br />ropertyowners, What is proposed will not have much of an impact on water <br />quality; Hunt:He agreed with the Planning Commission there were unique <br />conditions to grant the variance which were provided tonight.) <br />Mayor Hunt stated at a planning seminar he learned if you grant too many <br />variances for a specific area, this tells you your zoning code needs to be <br />changed. <br />Dillerud reported the Planning Commission would be reviewing the <br />shoreland ordinance for modifications. The City is required by state to <br />follow the DNR regs. <br />Molly stated she is not opposed to decks, but decks have a way of becoming <br />enclosed and becoming living space, and then they add on another deck. <br />Administrator Kueffner stated the Tri Lakes Assoc. requested a copy of the <br />City code, and we would waive the purchase cost. Mayor Hunt thought all <br />Homeowner Associations in the City should have codebooks. <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp - to direct the staff to make a copy of the City code for <br />any Homeowners Association (HOA) in the City, for the Tri-Lakes Assoc. <br />and waive the fee for purchase of code books. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />Mayor Hunt left the meeting at 8:55 p.m. <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. CSAH13 and 4tn St./Hudson Blvd N. Signal Project (draft) <br />The City staff met with representatives of Washington County regarding this <br />project. Administrator Kueffner stated she reiterated to the County the <br />City's intent to approve a design that was consistent with our philosophical <br />and previously stated criteria. As shown in the draft, the County has <br />respected the City's desire to minimize the designation of this road, with one <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 5, 2001 9 <br />