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Planner Dillerad stated that Shafer Mining officials were aware of where the property <br />lines are located. <br />Council Member DeLapp said that he felt residents have had to deal with this brutal <br />terror for over a year; this is no playground for children; hopes for some insight <br />which may lead to a time -line for an end to the mining; believes this may be an issue <br />of health, safety and welfare. <br />Mr. Lammers, a resident, said he was very concerned about how steep the sides of <br />the pit were, and thought they could not hold out against a strong rain, and might <br />cause huge erosion problems. <br />Attorney Filla stated he has met with the cooperative Shafer Mining officials, and <br />stated they would respond to the issues raised. <br />Planner Dillerud stated he had also met with Shafer officials to check the operation <br />for compliance with their Conditional Use Permit; and put Shafer on notice for the <br />"house shaking" issue. <br />Council Member Dunn reminded staff to be sure Shafer Mining officials received all <br />City communications. <br />Mayor Hunt said that, perhaps Metropolitan Council would be interested in this <br />issue. <br />Administrator Kueffner stated all incidents at Shafer Mining have been well <br />documented by staff. <br />Council Member DeLapp stated that he wants bi-weekly updates regarding the <br />Shafer operation, and put staff on notice to keep a vigilant eye on the situation. He <br />suggested that the County has installed fences around its muting operation sites. <br />Planner Dillerud said parents should be responsible for their children; efforts to <br />remove ATV access has been addressed by Shafer officials; and, Shafer officials do <br />"police" their property. <br />3. Dean Johnston stated he was an avid recycler, and was dismayed when he learned <br />where his waste goes. He asked if residents and haulers know the current City <br />[recycling] guidelines. <br />Administrator Kueffner said all City -licensed waste haulers are aware of the <br />guidelines, and stated she would send them (Maroney's) a reminder letter that the <br />Municipal Code is very specific regarding recycling requirements. She suggested <br />informing residents by an article in the City Newsletter. <br />4.13 Introduction of new Animal Control Officer — Kathi Pelnar <br />Administrator Kueffner explained that the City had been without an Animal Control Officer since <br />Mike Smith's resignation. She said Washington County had been covering for the City, and that she <br />asked Kathi Pelnar to start immediately because Washington County did not have the necessary <br />equipment to handle the task on a full-time basis. She introduced Ms. Pelnar, and requested that the <br />City Council ratify her hire. <br />City Council Minutes Tuesday, August 7, 2001 page 2 <br />