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Kathi Pelnar explained that she serves as Animal Control Officer to several surrounding <br />communities, and said she preferred that residents contact her directly, and provided her phone and <br />pager numbers 715-386-7789 and 612-534-7510. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong - to appoint Kathi Pelnar - Human Animal Control - as the <br />City's Animal Control Officer retroactive to July 25, 2001, and that the City Administrator <br />and City Attorney prepare a Contract as expeditiously as possible for Council review and <br />acceptance. <br />(Motion Passed 5-0). <br />4.0 Appointment to Planning Commission Special Projects - Environmental and Solid <br />Waste: James Kelly. <br />Administrator Kueffner introduced James E. Kelly as the applicant for the current vacancy on the <br />Planning Commission Special Project - Environmental and Solid Waste. <br />Mr. Kelly said he was pleased to be appointed to the Special Projects Planning Commission. <br />Council Member DeLapp suggested Mr. Kelly be pro -active. <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp - to appoint James E. Kelly, 2902 Lisbon Avenue North, to the Lake <br />Elmo Planning Commission - Special Projects: Environmental and Solid Waste. <br />(Motion Passed 5-0). <br />4.D Approval of Stormwater Grant by Washington County Soil & Water Conservation: <br />Jeff Berg <br />Washington County Landuse Conservationist/Planning-Commissioner/Resident Jeff Berg <br />Announced that the State Board of Water and Soil Resources approved the joint application in the <br />amount of $40,000.00 for implementation of the 50`h Street Innovative Stormwater Management <br />Project. He thanked Council Members DeLapp and Dunn for their assistance. He also thanked <br />Representative Lipman and Senator Bachman for a great partnership. Finally, he thanked the <br />residents of 50`h Street for feedback, and requested the Council arrange for an hour-long meeting <br />with the residents. He said the funds were only for implementation of the landscaping materials, <br />and not maintenance. <br />Council Member Armstrong asked that staff is made aware that maintenance would be required and <br />would be provided by the City. <br />4.E Vacancy on Brown's Creek Watershed District <br />Administrator Kueffner explained that there is a vacancy on the Browns Creek Watershed District, <br />noting the terms of Karen Kilberg, and Craig Leiser both expire in October 2001. She said not <br />many residents in Lake Elmo live within the Watershed District. <br />Resident Carol Palmquist-Eilers agreed to apply for the position <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to recommend Carol Palmquist-Eilers apply for the vacancy on <br />the Browns Creek Watershed District, noting they have no concerns regarding the current <br />selection procedure, but encourage strong consideration of a Lake Elmo resident. <br />(Motion Passed 5-0). <br />City Council Minutes Tuesday, August 7, 2001 page 3 <br />