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08-07-01 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-07-01 CCM
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5. New Business <br />NO NEW BUSINESS <br />6. Consent Agenda <br />A. 2001-2002 Ski Trail Agreement with Washington County <br />Council Member Dunn asked that staff look into DNR Food Lot at Sunfish Lake Park on year- <br />round basis. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow - to approve the 2001-2002 Ski Trail Agreement with Washington <br />County - Amendment No. 3, and direct the Mayor and City Administrator to sign said <br />agreement. <br />(Motion Passed 5-0). <br />7. Maintenance/Park/Fire/Building <br />A. 55h Street North Closure <br />Planner Dillerud explained that on June 19, 2001, the City Council heard comments from resident <br />Chip Longacre with regard to the alternative plan for the closure of 55`h Street North suggested by <br />staff for the closure of 55`' Street North. He said staff was directed to contact Oak Park Heights <br />and conduct a workshop for interested area residents - both regarding the road closure alternatives <br />under consideration. He said the original plan would close 55`h Street North at a point approximately <br />1,200 feet west of State Highway 5, creating a 3,700-foot cul-de-sac street from Highway 26 south, <br />and then east on 55`h Street. The alternate plan would cul-de-sac 55`h Street on both sides of the <br />existing road section that crossed between 2 existing ponds along the Manning Avenue segment of <br />the street -thereby creating a 2,900 foot 55`h Street/Manning cul-de-sac from the east and a 1,200 <br />foot cul-de-sac from the north. He noted the center section of the existing road (Manning, between <br />the ponds) would be abandoned, and possibly removed to connect the two ponds with open water <br />rather than a culvert. He noted that Oak Park Heights representatives revealed no issues with the <br />proposed closure location. <br />Mr. Longacre presented a letter to the City Council from resident Bernie Nass (attached). <br />Resident, Vince Eilers said he was concerned about the location of a cul-de-sac at their property line, <br />and said he prefers to see it situated to the east. <br />Administrator Kueffner suggested foregoing providing some type of emergency access arrangement <br />at the cul-de-sac to permit City use of 55`h Street from the east for heavy repair equipment that may <br />need to access to Well #2. <br />Engineer Prew said a "hammerhead" would be located near the Longacre/Palmquist/Eilers <br />property, and a berm/landscaping would be installed as a separation later this fall. <br />Council Member Armstrong asked staff if Public Works Supervisor Olinger concur with this plan. <br />Staff answered, "No." <br />M/S/P Siedow/Dunn - to move the 55" Street cul-de-sac westerly to a point adjacent to the <br />Palmquist/Longacre property line - to allow access from the east to both Palmquist <br />driveways onto 55`h Street and proceed with a minimal hammerhead. <br />City Council Minutes Tuesday, August 7, 2001 page 4 <br />
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