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Council member Armstrong stated the building material standards are <br />needed to keep out the cheap stuff. She was not in favor of sewer in this <br />area, but now that it is in, she had high hopes this would bring in a building <br />like State Farm. She is not in favor of little buildings. <br />Council member Siedow stated he didn't think we would ever have an <br />Overland Park here. <br />Mayor Hunt indicated the Council was saying things they hadn't said at the <br />last Council meeting. <br />M/ Siedow/NO second to prepare a resolution approving PUD amendment <br />and a site plan; subject to the 7 conditions contained in the staff report. <br />Mayor Hunt stated he could live with the multiple buildings with the <br />upgraded materials. <br />M/S/ Armstrong/DeLapp - to adopt Resolution No. 2001-067 denying the <br />PUD Plan Amendment and Site Plan for United Properties/DaVern II based <br />on reasons stated as in 1 and 3. They are looking for materials of a high <br />class commercial design. <br />Council member DeLapp withdrew the second <br />Council member Armstrong cautioned the Council they were on a slippery <br />slope approving smaller buildings. <br />M/S/P Siedow/DeLapp - to direct the staff to draft a resolution for a PUD <br />Final Plan and Site Plan for September 18 approving the plans as submitted <br />with modifications... steel siding replaced by stucco and replacing asphalt <br />shingles with standing seam metal, as modifications to the plans presented <br />by the planner, dated 9-11-01. (Motion passed 4- 1 Armstrong: There is sewer <br />for this proj ect and this is not what we planned. We are putting the city at <br />risk for sewer and water. <br />Planner Dillerud indicated he hoped the votes tonight would be consistent <br />with the votes at the next meeting. <br />Council member Dunn will not attend the September 18"' meeting and <br />Council member Siedow may be absent. <br />SPECIAL LAKE ELMO COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 <br />2 <br />