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9. PLANNING LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Preliminary Plat, Rezoning and Site Plan - Watercolors Office Park <br />Planner Dillerud reported the Planning Commission recommended denial of <br />this Preliminary Plat, Rezoning and Site Plan to construct 18 separate office <br />structures on an undivided parcel of 2 acres at the northeast corner of Keats <br />Avenue and Hudson Blvd. The denial recommendation for the site plan was <br />based on denying a zoning variance to allow more than a single structure on <br />a single land parcel (regardless of zoning district). The Findings to support <br />the variance denial are non-compliance with the variance standards of <br />Section 300.06 Subd. 3A, Stds 1-6, 7 and 8. <br />A Council/Planning Commission workshop was called on August 27th to <br />provide the applicant some Council guidance regarding the actual use of this <br />site. Is the proposed multi-structure/single site office plan an acceptable <br />general site design approach? No Council guidance was provided at the <br />workshop. <br />Council member Siedow stated he liked the smaller buildings for a small <br />town, and asked the Council to do what is needed to see this project go <br />through. <br />Council member Dunn spoke against Planned Unit Developments because <br />you have one thing one month and then a change the next month. She <br />favored conventional platting and would possibly favor multiple buildings <br />on the site. Impervious surface and filling in wetlands is a concern. This <br />project is going into the Lake Elmo Park Reserve. <br />Council member DeLapp asked Mr. Hiner if he would bring the buildings to <br />a higher level with brick, stone or glass. If so, he would be willing to <br />consider rewriting the code to accommodate the multiple structure concept. <br />He is in favor of allowing multiple buildings if a certain percentage of open <br />space was dedicated for preservation. He is in favor of an actual golf course <br />within the dedicated open space, not batting cages as in Woodbury. If a golf <br />course were included, the City would require a dedicated easement that <br />could be enforced. <br />Mayor Hunt asked for parking internally, buildings hidden inside and open <br />space to help buffer the commercial use, which would increase the value for <br />the residents inside. He thought there was an awful lot of parking proposed <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 4 <br />