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for the existing uses. DeLapp added that the less amount of parking the <br />happier we are. Planner Dillerd responded this would be another variance <br />under a regular plat. The proposal of this preliminary plat assumes granting <br />of a variance for multiple buildings on a parcel, which was denied by the <br />Planning Commission and not appealed. <br />Planner Dillerud reported the Comprehensive Plan is before the Met Council <br />currently. If the Comp Plan were adopted, it would not allow this <br />development on this site. There is 60-day timeline for comment from <br />surrounding communities, which started August 22. <br />Attorney Filla indicated the applicant could withdraw his application. If the <br />Council denied his application, Mr. Hiner would not able to apply for 6 <br />months. <br />Rich Hiner, applicant, withdrew his application for a preliminary plat, <br />rezoning, and site plan for Watercolors Office Park. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow - to accept Rich Hiner's withdrawal of his <br />application for a preliminary plat, rezoning, and site plan for Watercolors <br />Office Park. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Preliminary Plat, PUD Plan Amendment and Site Plan - United <br />Properties/Deveme II <br />United Properties/Deverne II are proposing replat of Eagle Point Business <br />Park; and, construction of a 9 building, 54,000 sq.ft. office complex on a <br />6.32 acre lot that would be created by the plat. Another Lot/Block would <br />also be platted for a pending United customer, together with the Eagle Point <br />Blvd. right-of-way, and a new group of outlets, including a half acre outlet <br />for Well #3. <br />Planner Dillemd reported the Planning Commission recommended denial of <br />the PUD Plan Amendment for Eagle Point Business Park 2" d Addition, <br />Eagle Point Condominium. The Commission recommendation for denial of <br />the Section 520 Site Plan is based both on the denial recommendation for the <br />PUD Plan Amendment and inconsistency of the exterior surfacing of the <br />building with both Business Park and PUD Plan standards, related primarily <br />to the proposal to utilize stucco finish on a major portion of the exteriors. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 5 <br />