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George Burkards indicated they would like to change the Eagle Point <br />Business Park sign. There would be concrete block footings with stone <br />exterior and the Arc size will be varied from 65' to 125'. They are still <br />wrestling with colors. This will look more natural. Council member Dunn <br />stated this sign is what we really like because it is more to scale and inviting <br />to potential businesses. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Siedow - to approve the conceptual change of sign presented <br />as Primary Project Identification sign. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow - to table Resolution 2001-067 approving the Final <br />Plat and Development Agreement for Eagle Point Business Park 2"a <br />Addition until the Special Council meeting on Tuesday, September 11 at 5 <br />p.m. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />D.Zoning Ordinance Amendment: Add Fitness Studio to GB <br />In response to recent inquiries, the Planning Commission indicated an <br />amendment to the General Business zoning district text to add the use <br />"Fitness Studio" to the list of Conditional Uses allowable. The Commission <br />recommended amendment to Section 150 City Code Definitions to include a <br />definition of "Fitness Studio". <br />The Council asked that this Conditional Use be sent back to the Planning <br />Commission come back with regulations to meet the goal of smaller fitness <br />center. Council did not want to see large-scale center, such as, Lifetime <br />Fitness or a Golf. <br />M/S/P Siedow/DeLapp - to include Fitness Studio as a permitted <br />Conditional Use, and refer back to the Planning Commission for regulations <br />meeting the goal of a smaller fitness center. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />E. Resolution 9779 and Summary <br />At the may 5, 2001 meeting, the Council adopted Ordinance No. 9779 <br />"Open Space Preservation" and directed staff to put the ordinance into its <br />proper form. Administrator Kueffner provided a summary of the ordinance <br />for publication. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 7 <br />