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Council member DeLapp stated the buildings are not brick, stone or glass as <br />required under Business Park zoning district. If the buildings meet the <br />exterior brick standards, standing metal seam roof, dressed up the site, and <br />changed the square pond; they would have his vote. <br />The applicant indicated the project has a homey feel. This is what Lake <br />Elmo wants. They created a better entrance to the facility. Looks like the <br />biggest issue is materials and site layout. <br />Council member Siedow liked the look of the rendering presented and <br />wouldn't want to see more exterior brick. With the economy like it is, <br />multiple buildings could be the future. <br />Council member Dunn thought what was presented looked like an apartment <br />house or townhouse and didn't like it. She had no problem with smaller <br />footprint. The City was told we were gong to get this high revenue so we <br />expected a business park scenario. <br />Mayor Hunt would like the applicant to follow with brick, stone or glass as <br />building materials. He could make a case for smaller suites in this area <br />under a PUD with a higher standard of materials. The Council wants to <br />attract higher quality commercial. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow - to adopt Resolution No. 2001-065 Approving the <br />Preliminary Plat of Eagle Point Business Park 2"d Addition. (Motion passed <br />4-0). <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow - to draft Resolution 2001-066 approving the Section <br />520 Site Plan for Lot 1, Block 1 Eagle Point Business Park 2"d Addition and <br />for approval by the Council to be presented at Tuesday Special meeting on <br />Sept 11, 5 p.m. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />C. Final Plat and Development Agreement - Eagle Point Business Park <br />2"d Addition <br />Planner Dillerud reported the Master sign plan was approved with Eagle <br />Point Business Park. The Developer has come up with different Primary <br />Project Identification Sign. This would be a PUD Final Plan Amendment <br />for replacement of the 25' x 15' sign previously approved in 1999. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 6 <br />