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4. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL <br />Gloria Knoblauch thanked Dan Olinger for filling in potholes on Laverne <br />Avenue. Gloria asked what is the $27,409 recycling line item in the 2002 <br />budget in the City newsletter. Administrator Kueffner responded the money <br />comes from Washington County to apply toward the recycling program. <br />Now that the haulers have their own recycling, we have to use this money <br />for education and solid waste environmental issues. This should be <br />rephrased. <br />Joe Kiesling, 9359 Jane Road N., gave a verbal presentation of his memo <br />which is made part of these minutes. <br />5. NEW BUSINESS: <br />6. CONSENT AGENDA <br />A. Resignation of Valerie Brass, Planning Commission <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp — to accept the resignation of Valerie Brass from the <br />Planning Commission. Further, to direct the staff to send her a letter of <br />appreciation for her services to the City, and encourage her to reapply as her <br />schedule allows. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Charitable Gambling License: Maplewood Oakdale Lions <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp —to adopt Resolution No. 2001-098 - approving the <br />issuance of a Charitable Gambling License by the State of Minnesota to the <br />Maplewood Oakdale Lions. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />7. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING <br />A. Fire Dept. Ordinance relating to the installation and maintenance of <br />fire protection and safety devices <br />Administrator Kueffner stated this ordinance, prepared by the Fire Chief, <br />was removed from the last agenda for comments from the City Attorney. <br />Attorney Filla has now reviewed the DRAFT ordinance. <br />Council members Siedow and Armstrong had a problem with Subsection 3 <br />relating to lock boxes and felt there would be opposition from the business <br />community. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 7, 2001 <br />