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12-04-01 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-04-01 CCM
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Attorney Filla explained there is a Lot Line Adjustment Ordinance that will be discussed <br />at the end of agenda, and if adopted, this land would not need to be platted. The cost of <br />lot has gone up substantially. In the agreement the use is restricted by the property <br />owner, the property owner is to pay all costs and fair market value. The residents <br />understand that a home cannot be built upon it, but they want to be able to put up a <br />garage or a gazebo. Mr. Rude is different and clearly intending to propose a parcel for a <br />buildable lot with connection to a collector system. Prew would have to look into such a <br />request. Kueffner stated Mr. Catalono will have to see if their land perks and believes <br />there is junk and debris buried in that property. Steve Peterson did find that their lot <br />perked. <br />Council member Armstrong stated the Council was told this was an urgent manner and <br />have not been told who is on the 201 system, who has a new system or who is pumping <br />and need to be hooked up to a 201 system. Tom Prew added we may have other land that <br />might be better suited for a system <br />Attorney Filla asked the Council if it was opposed to freestanding garages on these lots? <br />Council member Siedow answered if the City sells the property to them then they should <br />not have any restrictions. Council member Dunn said these lots have existing houses and <br />already have garages, but they could put a shed on the property. There would have to be <br />enough land set aside for an alternate drainfield. Council members DeLapp and <br />Armstrong stated the draft agreement restricted structures being built on this land, but a <br />gazebo or a small shed could be permitted. <br />C. Mark Hugunin, Met Council <br />Mark Hugunin reported that the Regional blueprints are being reviewed. In January or <br />February the draft policies will be on the website for unofficial comments, Mr. Hugunin <br />said he would like to get feedback on rural issues. The land availability issues won't go <br />away. The Council thanked Mr. Hugunin for being an integral part in the turnaround of <br />the Met Council. <br />4. FINANCE <br />In his letter dated December 4, 2001, Martin Goetschel, 11658 50a' St. N., asked for <br />reimbursement of $250 for damage done to his fence and posts by the contractor during <br />construction of 50th Street. He questioned why his chicken coops are under water and <br />requested Staff and a Council member inspect his property. Tom Prew stated the $250 <br />damage request will be referred to the contractor. <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp — to direct the staff to assist Martin Goetschel with receipts for <br />reimbursement of $250. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - to direct the staff (Tom Prew, Administrator Kueffner and <br />Council member Armstrong) to inspect the standing water at Martin Goetschel, 11658 <br />500' St., in a timely manner, and come back to the Council with a verbal resolution. <br />(Motion passed 5-0.) <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 4, 2001 <br />
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