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12-04-01 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-04-01 CCM
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poured in place architectural concrete and not tilt up panels made offsite and brought in. <br />The Council noted the City would continue to leave the Old Village with flexibility. <br />10. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />In his memo dated November 30, Attorney Filla drafted a new regulation which would <br />separate the City's review process for minor subdivision from the review process for lot <br />line adjustments. The minor subdivision review would continue to require a <br />recommendation from the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council. The <br />lot line adjustment review would be administrative only. This would impact Kraft Circle <br />in that the City parcel would not have to be platted and would be less expensive. Attorney <br />Filla stated the Lot Line adjustments will go up to the maximum number and the minor <br />subdivisions will go up to the maximum number. This Lot Consolidation will be in <br />ordinance form for the December 18`h meeting. <br />ILCITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. City of Woodbury — City Walk Environmental Assessment Worksheet <br />The City received a copy of the above referenced document. Planner Dillerud provide <br />his comments on the document in his memo dated November 29, 2001. Council member <br />Dunn explained this is a development coming into Woodbury consisting of 556 <br />residential units, on 46 acres, and is in the 834 school district. <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp - to direct the staff to request the City of Woodbury to update the <br />1999 traffic study referred to by the EAW. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Council members Armstrong and Dunn were concerned with what would go into <br />Markrafs Lake (see Page 4). Does Markraf Lake have an outlet? If Woodbury will be <br />reviewing how they will be handling their water problems, will that be rate and volume. <br />Another concern brought up by the Council was the probability of an expected funding <br />source for traffic signalization at the I-94/Keats access ramps and service road <br />intersections. Council member Dunn asked to follow up on doubling the amount of <br />parking spaces to 900 spaces because of the total traffic due for a Sam's Club and <br />removal of 2 % acres of forest habitat.. Council member DeLapp asked to check the <br />glare and visual impacts of the lights on the Lake Elmo Regional Park Reserve. If this is <br />not going into the WONE Interceptor #18, page 5, does this violate the agreement and is <br />there enough capacity for all the possibilities. A verbal response will be brought back to <br />the Council. <br />B. December 18`h Council Meeting <br />M/S/P Siedow/Armstrong — to reschedule December 18'h Council Meeting time to start at <br />5 p.m. until 6:15 p.m., then the Fire Study committee meeting will start at 6:15. The <br />details on the February 81h Volunteer party will be brought to the December 18th meeting. <br />(Motion passed 5-0.) <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 4, 2001 <br />
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