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12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS <br />Mayor Hunt asked staff to get meeting schedules of surrounding communities so he can <br />get on their Council agendas for 10 minutes to let them know there are different options <br />for Highway 36. <br />The Council asked that the meeting be scheduled with City of Woodbury at Lake Elmo <br />City Hall to discuss comp plan and invite Marc Hugunin to facilitate. <br />Council member Dunn stated the signal light at CSAH 17 and Highway 36 needs a push <br />with a letter to Washington County. Hopefully, the crosswalk on Lake Elmo Avenue will <br />get done soon. Dunn asked the Mayor to inform the Tri-Lakes Assoc. about the new <br />ideas done for water quality improvements and shoreland on Lake Carnelian. <br />Council member Armstrong informed the Council of the Elected Officials Meeting on <br />Wednesday at Sky View School with Bill Pulkrabek. <br />Council member Siedow received a card from a realtor stating the selling price of a home <br />in Lake Elmo is $190,000 to $1.3 million, with the average selling price of $431,000. <br />The Council adjourn the meeting 9:45 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted by Sharon Lumby, Deputy Clerk <br />Resolution No. 2001-102 Approve claims 19393-19431 in the amount of $96,944.62 <br />Resolution No. 2001-103 Approve 2002 Tax Levy of $1,612,500 <br />Resolution No. 2001-104 Approve CUP for JoAnn Langseth for a Fitness Studio <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 4, 2001 <br />