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04-16-02 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-16-02 CCM
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Mayor Hunt called the Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers. <br />PRESENT: Armstrong, DeLapp, Dunn, Siedow, City Attorney, Jerry Filla, Finance <br />Director, Terry Berg, Building Official, Jim McNamara, Maintenance Forman, Dan <br />Olinger, City Planner, Chuck Dillerud, City Engineer, Tom Prew and City Administrator, <br />Mary Kueffner. <br />L AGENDA <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow — to approve the April 16, 2002 City Council Agenda, as <br />amended. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />2. MINUTES: March 19, 2002 <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to approve the March 19, 2002 City Council minutes, as <br />amended. (Motion passed 5-0) <br />MINUTES: April 2, 2002 <br />M/S/P Armstrong/DeLapp — to approve the April 2, 2002 City Council minutes, as <br />presented. (Motion passed 3-0-2Abstain: Siedow, Dunn) <br />3. PUBLIC INOUIRIESANFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Selling City Owned Land: Kraft Circle Residents <br />Residents living on Kraft Circle appeared before the council to ask if the city was now <br />prepared to make a decision on the sale of city -owned land. <br />Mayor Hunt stated he thought the Council was morally obligated to stay with the values <br />originally provided by the City Assessor, which were $50,000 if the lot was buildable or <br />$15,000 if the lot was not buildable. <br />Council member Armstrong thought the City should determine if there are other residents <br />in the area interested or in need of using the land for failing systems. <br />Council member DeLapp agreed with Armstrong's comments and added that the land <br />should be used for failing or failed systems of houses that currently exist, and the land <br />should not be used to accommodate septic system sites for new construction. <br />Administrator Kueffner stated when she asked the City Assessor to put a value on the <br />land (buildable or unbuildable) she did not specify what the property would be used for. <br />She did point out to the assessor that the land was mismarked in the County records; it <br />was shown as all right-of-way with a value of $100. She also suggested that the Council <br />invite Mr. Langer to a council meeting to explain the rationale he uses when determining <br />the value of land. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to proceed with the sale of land in the same manner as <br />which the land was sold to the Petersons, with the value of the land determined by the <br />City Assessor, without further debate by the City Council. Further, that the City Assessor <br />be invited to the next Council meeting to discuss the value of the lots. (Motion passed 4- <br />1:Dunn:This was tax forfeited land to begin with and doesn't see why we have to sell it.). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 16, 2002 2 <br />
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