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B. E&H Earthmovers CUP: Terry Emerson <br />Bruce Malkerson, Malkerson, Gilliland, Martin, speaking on behalf of his client, Terry <br />Emerson, E&H Earthmovers, advised the Council that Mr. Emerson had decided to sell <br />his equipment and close his business. <br />Mr. Malkerson further advised the Council that Laidlaw Transit, Inc. was successful in <br />getting the bid for ISD 834 bussing needs for the next two years. In order to provide the <br />service necessary to the school district, Laidlaw must find a storage facility with a small <br />office and indoor/outdoor storage. He added that Laidlaw and E&H have reached an <br />agreement concerning the lease of the building and property. <br />Mr. Malkerson stated his legal position was that Laidlaw could use this facility without a <br />new Conditional Use Permit (CUP) or other zoning approval. The approved CUP runs <br />with the land and it was not specific to any one particular business. He further stated that <br />the Council chose to provide only for approval of a single use and did not specify what <br />type of contractor in the CUP resolution. Mr. Malkerson provided a letter dated April 14, <br />2002 with more detailed information. (The letter will be made part of these minutes by <br />reference.) <br />Council member DeLapp stated that sprinkling the new building was not required when <br />the CUP was approved, in spite of his strong objections to this omission. He stated he <br />thought a bus company should require a sprinkler. He further added that smoke is a <br />carcinogen and the smoke issue is very serious concern of his, and that one of the selling <br />points of the existing CUP was that there were no vehicles on site during the summer <br />months, and they were parked on site in the fall. <br />Council member Dunn stated she felt the existing CUP was designed and customized <br />specifically for E & H Earthmovers and the CUP would have to be amended for a bus <br />company. She stated it did not make any difference if it was earth moving equipment or <br />buses, as long as we are provided information regarding the number of busses and their <br />hours of operation. <br />Council member Siedow agreed that the CUP was specifically tailored to E&H <br />Earthmovers and not transferable to a bus company. Having lived near a bus facility, his <br />concern was that the neighbors in close proximity to this site be made aware of the <br />request to change the use, and that the City listens to and takes into consideration their <br />concerns <br />The City Attorney stated that E & H Earth Movers is a commercial use allowed by a CUP <br />in the Ag zone if it saves open space. There is smoke, lighting and other concerns related <br />to a bus terminal that wouldn't necessarily be related to a contractor's shop. He further <br />stated the Emerson CUP was not granted generically, but was based on information <br />submitted by Mr. Emerson describing his business operation. Filla stated that Low Impact <br />Agricultural regulations are broad enough to include a bus terminal, but there is a defined <br />process the applicant should go through to amend the current CUP. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 16, 2002 <br />