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SPECIAL MEETING OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL <br />TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 2002 <br />Mayor Hunt called the special meeting to order in the Council chambers. PRESENT: <br />Armstrong, Siedow, DeLapp, Dunn, City Planner Dillerud, City Engineer Prew, City <br />Attorney Filla, and Administrator Kueffner. <br />Attorney Sellergren, representing Shaefer Mining, was present to listen to the major <br />issues and concerns raised by the neighbors. There were neighbors that were thankful for <br />efforts of Shafer to remain a good neighbor. <br />Marls Schulz, 4030 Isle Avenue N., presented a memo with their listed concerns. <br />Discussion followed on the presented concerns and proposed solutions. This memo is <br />made part of the minutes. <br />Doug Taylor, 8586 Lake Jane Trail, complained on the irritating noise of the back-up <br />warning devices and the exhaust emission of the diesel trucks. He stated that one family <br />had to leave the neighborhood because of having an asthmatic condition. Council <br />member Seidow suggested adding diesel kits to the vehicles. <br />Residents reported there were several near misses involving trucks exiting the mine site <br />onto Jamaca Avenue and vehicles that are southbound on Jamaca. It was noted that the <br />mine entrance is screened by brush such that southbound vehicles on Jamaca cannot <br />easily see trucks approaching from the mine site. <br />A resident on Isle Avenue believed Shafer is digging in their water table because there <br />was standing water in the holding pond at the lowest mine elevation. He also voiced his <br />concern on the possibility of contaminants in the holding pond water. <br />Attorney Filla explained there are state and local laws that prohibit using property <br />without landowners consent. The problem is you need to catch the people. Once they're <br />caught, there is no problem enforcing the regulations. Filla suggested a neighborhood <br />watch. <br />Larry Schendel, 3870 Jamaca Avenue, offered his driveway for the Washington County <br />Deputies to use to get into the pit and pick up the ATV violators. There has been damage <br />to yards and landscaping. He has called the Washington County Deputies, who got rid of <br />the ATV's but didn't give them tickets. <br />A question raised was what will happen after Shafer Mining is done. Staff replied it will <br />look like hills and valleys. The City has a 2' contour map which shows what will be <br />done if neighbors want to look at it. <br />