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Planner Dillerud will make a walk through inspection of the mine site within the next 30 <br />days, with a report to the Council within two weeks of the inspection date. Dillerud added <br />that he would prefer a walkthrough when Shafer is in operation. A meeting will be <br />scheduled and affected property owners will be notified. <br />Council Workshop <br />Schedule a Personnel workshop at a special meeting Monday, April 15U' at 5:30 p.m. <br />1. Approve Ordinance rezoning 9730 Hudson Blvd from HB to LB <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to adopt Ordinance No. 97-106 approving the rezoning of 9730 <br />Hudson Blvd. from HB (Highway Business) to LB (Limited Business). (Motion passed 5- <br />0). <br />2. Financial Workshop <br />The Street CIP is delayed because Dan Olinger being away from work. <br />Mayor Hunt indicated Page 8 is the best overall plan of all and officially request water <br />from Oakdale. <br />Finance Director Berg stated we are not collecting enough revenue for water operation at <br />least for the last fours years according to the audit report or collecting for infrastructure. <br />Operating revenues were not covering expenses. Terry asked for direction on which <br />option to proceed. <br />Council member Armstrong stated John Arkell didn't have to put the 109 houses in and <br />we didn't have to approve this. <br />Council member Siedow thought Option 98 looked good, increase the rates and the <br />money would go into the fund. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Hunt — to approve Page 8 schedule set up without interest, as presented. <br />(Motion passed 4-1:Armstrong didn't like it in the first place.) <br />Adjourn 7:25 p.m. <br />