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04-09-02 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-09-02 CCM
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Concern #2: Unsafe and dangerous driving by the Shafer Construction vehicles. <br />• Several times we have had to slam on our brakes when driving on Jamaca Avenue <br />because these large trucks hauling in and out of the mining site often do not stop at the <br />stop sign before pulling out onto Jamaca Avenue. This is illegal and creates a very <br />dangerous situation for the public. <br />Proposed solutions to concern #2: <br />1) Shafer Construction to inform its drivers of the complaints and the requirement that they <br />come to a complete stop at the stop sign. <br />2) Police monitoring of the area. <br />Concern #3: Water drainage from properties adjacent to the mining site. <br />When the berm around the mining site was built, a space was left to allow proper water <br />drainage from the higher land areas adjacent to the mining site into the lower land areas <br />in the mining site. While this break in the berm has been efficient at accomplishing this <br />goal, it also provides easy access for people who illegally use the mining site (see <br />concern # 1 above). As this access is adjoining our property, it encourages people to <br />trespass across our backyard to get to this access point. We see many trespassers <br />throughout the year accessing that opening in the berm. <br />Proposed solution to concern #3: <br />1) Install one or more large culverts through the bean to allow proper water drainage, then <br />close the space in the berm. It is especially important that these culverts been large <br />enough to fully accommodate the large amounts of water drainage that flows through that <br />area, especially in the spring. <br />Concern #4: Continued intermittent use of back-up horns on trucks and equipment used in the <br />mining site. <br />• The use of the back-up horns on vehicles in the field has been greatly reduced in the past <br />year, and Shafer Construction is to be commended for this effort. However, back-up <br />horns are occasionally still used, and the noise is very loud and annoying. <br />Proposed solution to concern #4: <br />1) Shafer Construction to make certain that back-up horns are disabled when working in the <br />field. <br />
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