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Parks: Lake Elmo has built, and paid for, a 500 acre park system, which is in addition tc <br />the 2,100 acre Lake Elmo Regional Park. The City's park system can accommodate a <br />significantly grater population and the Regional Park is underutilized in part because the <br />City has not increased the housing density surrounding the Park. <br />The Planner suggested the City respond initially by taking the high road approach, and <br />put together a concise position statement rather than attack the Council Staff position <br />point by point. He asked if the Council agreed that staff could go to the Met Co. Board <br />with a PowerPoint presentation showing the character we are trying to preserve and how <br />we are doing it by the cluster ordinance development, and why this is not contrary to the <br />four Regional systems. <br />Mayor Lee Hunt: <br />The Staff could bring work we have done with the Minnesota Design Team and the <br />Calthorp Study, funded by the Met. Council, and validating our approach. <br />Council member Dunn: <br />The Council's 1996 Regional Blueprint for Growth anticipates a substantial amount of <br />urban development in the City while the City's vision calls for rural development. The <br />Met Council is looking at something seven years in the past, and prepared under the <br />direction of a different administration and Chairman. She thinks that the Met Council has <br />made positive strides in appreciating the value of lower density options and <br />environmental protection. She strongly believes in local land us control. The City can <br />continue to assist the Council define the issues as it has in the formulation of the rural <br />issues document reviewed in draft form. She agrees with the Planner about going to the <br />Met Council Board with a positive approach, but asked that the Planner be very firm in <br />support of our current policies. <br />Marc Hugunin, Met. Council Representative: <br />He thought the City Planner's analysis was good. He noted that the Plan was reviewed on <br />the basis of consistency with the 1996 Blueprint and not on the 2030 Blueprint which will <br />not become policy until December of 2002. <br />Wyn John, Old Village Commission Member: <br />The statement that the City did not object to the 1996 Plan is untrue. The City did object, <br />and was told by Council staff that it was only a concept, don't worry about it. <br />Council Member DeLapp <br />Noting that some of the strongest proponents for urban development of the 3 '/2 square <br />miles south of I Oh Street, believe that if Lake Elmo doesn't promote this development, <br />the Woodbury City Council will annex it without Lake Elmo's concurrence. He thought <br />we should meet with the Woodbury Council, whose written policy is to only consider <br />annexation if requested by adjacent property owners and their city or township. He said <br />this meeting would put to rest the threat to our City and make it clear to everyone that <br />Woodbury will not annex Lake Elmo. He noted that if Lake Elmo were to build a <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JUKE 11, 2002 <br />