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We should invite the Met Council Board Members to take a tour of the City and set up a <br />workshop for staff and Council to hammer out issues. <br />Mary Kueffner, City Administrator: <br />There may be no "case law" where the Met Council has gone after a community for being <br />inconsistent with the Met Council's Regional Growth plans, but the (Met) Council was a <br />strong proponent of sewering the area we annexed (by joint resolution) from Baytown <br />Township, and the Screaton property south of 55a' Street. Met. Council had staff <br />representation as well as legal representation from the Attorney General's office <br />testifying in favor of a concurrent detachment/annexation of the already commercially <br />platted land from Lake Elmo to Oak Park Heights. <br />Council Member Dunn: <br />We should go with the 2030 Blueprint Plan as we now understand it, and there will be no <br />problem. What do we have to lose if we are not accredited with the Met Council? <br />Marc Hugunin• <br />He encouraged the City Council to authorize staff to meet with Met Council staff to <br />discuss issues; some issues discussed are not directly discussed in this report, such as, the <br />potential of walking away from the sewer capacity in the SW corner forever. Housing is <br />not a system. He didn't see much emphasis at all in the Exec Summary on that. <br />Planner Dillerud: <br />He recalled when the comprehensive plan was done, the City Council chopped the <br />MUSA back with the understanding that if staff could do something about improving the <br />quality of the development you have seen so far in the sewered area, you would <br />potentially reconsider. <br />Council member DeLapp: <br />He agreed with the City Plainer if that he would support the expansion of public sewer if <br />certain changes were made such as substantially reducing the density, providing <br />landscaping to block the view from the freeway and the enforcement of current material <br />and signage standards. The last commercial buildings that have come into the City have <br />been wonderful, but we should get rid of the commercial stuff like the restaurant and <br />hotel. Council member DeLapp said he would submit a complete list in writing to the <br />Planner. He also stated that his support of this level of development was opposed by <br />many residents who participated in the Minnesota Design Team overview of the City. <br />Marc Hugunin: <br />The first thing he is going to do is find out if statutory authority exists to extend review <br />period again. He will be gone for three weeks in July. Look at a meeting in September. <br />Try to get a tour in June. On the June 26u' Met Council agenda, this is an informational <br />item. Present the Big Picture in July. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 11, 2002 <br />