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06-11-02 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-11-02 CCM
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would be more effective than condemning the Council Staff and confronting the Council <br />on each area of dispute. He said that there isn't any question that the current Council has <br />a strong regard to local prerogative. That would bring conflict to some other values. He <br />suggested that the City could try to get on Council Chair Ted Mondale's schedule to <br />allow the City Staff to discuss the 22 points of contention. Examples: I-94 is going to be <br />improved in front of 3M in a few years and there is an opportunity to expand the WONE <br />interceptor capacity for 10 million dollars. If Lake Elmo doesn't support this <br />infrastructure improvement concurrently with the highway construction, the future cost to <br />bring in this urban service would probably be double. The policy question is if Lake <br />Elmo is willing to pick tip that extra 10 million in the future. Or does that mean that the <br />opportunity for bringing urban density to Lake Elmo is eliminated? This question needs <br />discussion. The other issue is traffic calming on Highway 5. The Council will not allow <br />this to take place. <br />Mary Kueffner, City Administrator: <br />I believe what the Met Council is looking for is an explanation as to why Lake Elmo <br />apparently changed its mind on the proposed downstream upgrade to the WONE <br />Interceptor that would have given the City enough capacity to serve the 440 acre <br />Business Park proposed in our original comprehensive plan amendment (which was <br />denied), and later resubmitted for 120 acres and approved. At City Council direction, <br />staff negotiated with Met Council for this change to prevent the new Cottage Grove <br />Interceptor from being "driven" under I-94 to Lake Elmo's border, which would have <br />opened up the City to uncontrolled urban development. <br />Both the 440 and 120 comprehensive plan amendments submitted to the Met. Council <br />were for Business Park uses only. Neither amendment include any provision for housing <br />as several audit reports received from Tautges & Redpath urged the City to better balance <br />the ratio of housing to commercial tax base. <br />Mr. Hugunin responded that it's not so much the why that is critical, but what are the <br />implications of making such a change. <br />Wyn John: <br />If the WONE Interceptor was increasing capacity, then it would allow us to continue <br />control development going eastward along I-94 rather than go in the middle and in an <br />uncontrollable way. In that stem going N-S, there should be some long term capacity <br />in that route should the timing be appropriate that Lake Elmo would like to tie into in the <br />future. <br />Chuck Dillerud, Citv Planner: <br />He has been hesitant to negotiate the sanitary sewer issue and traffic calming issue. He <br />cannot make a commitment for the City Council. Staff could come back to City Council <br />with what I think their position would like to be. Their position might be move MUSA <br />out to the WONE expansion. The Met Council may say that if we give you that sewer, <br />then you will take affordable housing over part of that land. <br />Mayor Lee Hunt: <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 11, 2002 4 <br />
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