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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 20, 2002 <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Deer Pond Trail Drainage Problem <br />Phil Simonet, 8206 Deer Pond Trail, reported a drainage problem he would like to see <br />repaired by the City. This property is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of <br />Deer Pond Trail and Hidden Bay Trail. Mr. Simonet provided a video tape, which <br />showed how after a rain the water goes over the curb, down through the driveway and <br />onto his drainfield and saturates his yard. Mr. Simonet indicated even if the area around <br />the septic system was elevated with topsoil the water would go around and over the <br />septic. He felt the driveway also need to be elevated. <br />Mr. Simonet explained Outdoor Design replaced his septic system in 1996. He had <br />contacted Dale Eklin to design adding more drainfield because the drainfield was leaking. <br />Mr. Eklin determined there is no room to put in a new system, but adding on to his <br />existing septic system would cost approximately $4,300. Mr. Simonet said he would be <br />redoing his system regardless if he or the City paid for the repair. <br />Mayor Hunt asked if the City had the new septic information as staff could contact its <br />insurance company and make a claim. Any improvement to the septic should be co - <br />coordinated with the road improvement as discussed on August 6, 2003. Larry Bohrer, <br />TKDA, was filling in for Tom Prew, the City Engineer, and will report back to Mr. Prew. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to direct the staff to prepare a schedule to address the water <br />drainage problem and any septic renovation as required for the September 3`d Council <br />meeting. The City Engineer will meet with Mr. Simonet to review the schedule before <br />the Council meeting. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />